Why does US government continue to back genocidal allies? Be it - TopicsExpress


Why does US government continue to back genocidal allies? Be it the people of Gaza, heavily attacked in recent months by Israel, or the Tamils of Sri Lanka, who continue to suffer in the wake of a brutal civil war and government orchestrated mass murder campaign; the Americans talk out of the sides of their mouths and rarely live up to expectations created by the US government itself, which conveys the message that it endorses “freedom” and human equality. To the American leaders, supporting Zionist Jews, radical Sunni Muslims, and murderous Buddhist governments is top priority. It does not matter how these regimes like Israel and Sri Lanka kill and rape and maim. The tactics employed by these governments that intentionally violate international law are of little or no concern to the Obama administration, but then of course it is the US government itself that is the most sinister in terms of war crimes. The groups that receive US support have a tendency to use that economic aid to kill and destroy not just human beings, but cultural icons and infrastructure. The practice is leading the world down a dark path that will not brighten any time soon. presstv/detail/2014/10/23/383339/why-does-us-support-genocidal-allies/
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:42:55 +0000

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