Why does love have to be so complicated? Seriously. Its easy - TopicsExpress


Why does love have to be so complicated? Seriously. Its easy to give, its easy to get, its totally free and its the one thing that everyone wants the most. Love is what makes life worth living. So why do we spend so much time overcomplicating it? Is it because we all have different definitions of what love really is? Are our expectations for love set too high? Or is love really just a chemical reaction that we feel which our bodies build a tolerance to? That would make sense as to why we experience withdrawals when we lose it. Some might say that the over complication is caused by the fact that love can hurt like the death of a family member. So they fear love and put their barriers up far too high. Some are so afraid of love that they seek fake, temporary fixes, often at the emotional expense of honest, unaware, innocent lovers. Then there are the people whove stopped believing in love all together because they got tired of being played like a temporary fix. Unconditional love doesnt need a how to manual. It comes naturally to ALL of us! If love seems too complicated to you then chances are youre just not seeing the whole picture. If you want love then LOVE YOURSELF FIRST! If you dont know how to love yourself, the one person you know EVERYTHING about then how are you going to love someone you know very little about? Very little because of the countless amounts of thoughts, actions and memories in your mind which only you would truly know and understand. YOU are the greatest gift that you could give anyone. So if you really loved someone, wouldnt you want to give them the best you could offer? If you feel like other people are too complicated then consider the definition of the word complicated. Complex, tricky, difficult. It shouldnt be complicated as long as you have communication. If you share your love with someone but you feel like youre not getting it back then maybe its because youre looking for the signs in the wrong places. We all express our feelings just a little differently. When Im really excited about something, I rub my hands together in a way which Ive never seen anyone else do before but if you didnt know me, youd just think my hands were sore. Most of the time when I roll my eyes, people think Im blowing them off in the middle their conversation but in reality, I just had a self realization that made me feel really really stupid. Especially when ADD grabs a hold of me and drags me off topic. I tend to roll my eyes when Im back up to speed. Im working on those things but those are just a few examples of communication failure. Love isnt complicated. Sometimes its just the communication that is. At the end of the day, when you can look at someone and see past all of their problems, past all of their physical flaws and feel them as if they were the most comfortable thing on the face of the earth, then love is definitely there! As long as we love ourselves, love each other and communicate, this whole love business should be a breeze! If not, then continue to love yourself and write a long worded essay on how less complicated love should be!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 18:33:18 +0000

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