Why does the Course mention the mind, but never the heart? Q - TopicsExpress


Why does the Course mention the mind, but never the heart? Q #955: So many of the new writings from the worlds spiritual teachers talk about the importance of the heart, love and compassion in the path to ascension. There is much talk of the “wisdom of the heart”. A Course in Miracles really only mentions the mind. When it speaks of the mind, how does that relate to the concept of heart used by other authors? A: The love and compassion that are considered attributes of the heart reflect the minds choice to identify with the Holy Spirit. They flow naturally, unimpeded by the egos judgment when the mind is no longer blocked by the guilt and fear of choosing separation. As you mention, the Course tells us that only the mind exists and there is nothing outside of it, including wisdom of the heart. The Course is very clear in this, indeed the foundation of its teaching rests on this principle: “It [the mind] does not go out. Within itself it has no limits, and there is nothing outside it…It encompasses you entirely; you within it and it within you. There is nothing else, anywhere or ever” (T.18.VI.8:7,8,10,11) . Heart is used symbolically in the Course as a term we are familiar with and relate to more easily than the term mind. However, it can only be understood as referring to the mind. In the many passages where the term heart is used, it means the part of the mind that holds the memory of Gods Love. In a very beautiful passage Jesus uses the symbol of the heart and the body to describe the peace filled state of the right mind: “I place the peace of God in your heart and in your hands, to hold and share. The heart is pure to hold it, and the hands are strong to give it. We cannot lose. My judgment is as strong as the wisdom of God, in Whose Heart and Hands we have our being”(T.5IV.8:10,11,12,13). In these terms we find not only the true condition of the mind when it chooses against the ego, but the all-inclusive extension of this truth that is true compassion. The compassion the Course teaches is to see everyone in the light of the memory of our oneness with the Father. Everyone is thus included is this compassionate perspective, and seen as remembering or forgetting, choosing oneness or separation, whatever the form may be. In this wisdom of the right mind all other interpretations, judgments and perceptions cease. This is accomplished through the practice of forgiveness, which is both the wisdom of the heart and compassion as taught in the Course. Wisdom is generally understood as good judgment, but as with everything understood generally, Jesus takes it a step further in the Course. He tells us in the manual: “Wisdom is not judgment; it is the relinquishment of judgment”(M.10.4:5). Thus, we find wisdom of the heart in the Course through the process of forgiveness. Indeed, the heart of the Course is learning the compassion of forgiveness, whereby we relinquish judgment and become truly wise. facimoutreach.org/qa/questions/questions192.htm#Q955
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:30:02 +0000

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