Why doesnt ISIS represent Islam? Usaamah ibn Zayd (radiyallahu - TopicsExpress


Why doesnt ISIS represent Islam? Usaamah ibn Zayd (radiyallahu anh) killed an (enemy) idolater in battle after the latter had said: There is no god but Allah La ilaha illallah. When news of this reached Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) he condemned Usaamah in the strongest terms and he said to him: How can you kill him after he said La-ilaha illallah? He replied: But he said it with the sword hanging over his head. Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said again: How can you kill him after he said La ilaha illallah? He replied: O Rasulullah, he said it in dissimulation (taqiyyatan). Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Did you split his heart open (to see)? and he did not cease to reprove him until Usaamah wished that he had not entered Islam until after he had killed that man so that he might have been forgiven all his past sins through belief. (Bukhari; Muslim; Ahmad; Tayalisi; Abu Dawud; Nasai; al-Adni; Abu Awana; Tahawi; Hakim; Bayhaqi) al-Miqdad (radiyallahu anh) said: I asked: O Rasulullah! Suppose I and one of the idolaters battled and he cut off my hand, then I was positioned to strike him and he said: La ilaha illallah! Do I kill him or spare him? He (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Spare him. I said: Even if he cut off my hand? He (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Even so. I asked him again two or three times whereupon he said: If you kill him after he says La ilaha illallah then you are like him before he said it, and he is like you before you killed him. (Ahmad; Abu Dawud; Nasai; Shafii, Musnad; Bayhaqi, Shuab al-Iman) Wake up my dear followers and dont support killing of innocents. No approved scholar of Islam is supporting the ISIS in any way, so why you support them? Are ALL Scholars wrong now? Dont act yourself bigger than the Scholars. #ISIS #IslamIsPeace
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:21:26 +0000

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