Why dont we, that claim the Name of Christ, stand up for what is - TopicsExpress


Why dont we, that claim the Name of Christ, stand up for what is right in this world?? Why are we all afraid to stand up for the downtrodden and the underdog, even if it means we may suffer with them?? I just dont understand... isnt that what the bibles we read says to do?? Isnt it a calling to be brave, and bold, and righteous in an unrighteous world system, no matter the cost to ourselves? Maybe I am reading a different bible... o well, Jesus knows, and He sees, and He grieves. We are His vessels. We are His hands, feet, heart, and voice in this evil world. I know that if He presses me to do the difficult things, He surely presses others in His family army, as He is no respecter of persons... He is fair and just. If we were doing what He calls us to do, there would be far less opportunity for evil to steal, kill and destroy. We are Blood bought, and agree that we are family. Why dont we let the world know us by our love in action for each other. There is strength in numbers, and bullies and evil people will not generally continue in their evil when there are witnesses and those that are willing to take a stand for those that are alone and torn in this world. Sheesh. Im not even that wise and smart, but I know that. He calls us to lay down our lives for each other, and bear one anothers burdens and pick each other up when we fall. Do we REALLY do that?? Jesus knows. I think we know too. We are called to take heart and be of good courage. We are supposed to follow His example. Not be cowards and lip servers...Those arent just happy little encouraging words from our Lord. Those are instructions, that are to be done out here, in the physical realm, not in thought only, and not simply by praying without action. Faith without works is dead. O wow. Whatever. Praise God and halleluia! Lord have mercy on us all. May His Holy Spirit come in might, power, and conviction to open our eyes and understanding to face the truth about Him, being His children/followers, and what is REALLY going on in the spiritual realm that manifests in the physical realm and what our real part is in it all. You know, just some food for thought... we enjoyed great freedoms, favor, blessing, and honor in our country for many decades, simply because a handful of christians decided to TAKE ACTION at whatever cost, and they laid down their lives, literally losing them, and their material possessions, in order to honor God, and bless their brothers and sisters and flesh and blood family to have justice, freedom, blessing, and honor. Why are we so blind and apathetic?? Many are suffering and have run from God and church because of our failure in following what He really says and instructs us to do and be in this world. Many are lost, and dying and suffering, needlessly. Maybe we should stop being cowards and following the pattern of this world, and leave Babylon, and be the defenders of righteousness, that we were called to be, rather than simply believing, yet not doing... remember, even the devils believe in Christ. We need to repent and take a stand in deed, not just in word. Are we so prideful that we truly think that we are a place of love, and protection, and upholders of righteousness, defending the weak, the widows, the orphans and the prisoners, when, in truth, we are not? We shoot the wounded, and reject the abandoned, and we judge the afflicted. Do we really think that God is pleased?? He is not. He is patient, and kind, and merciful, yet He is NOT pleased. We are so afraid of lawsuits, and being politically correct when that very political correctness is saying we cant speak of Jesus, pray in our schools, share the love of Christ with those that are dying in our medical facilities or call what is evil, evil, and what is good, good. WHY IS THIS BEING ALLOWED BY US, HIS REPRESENTATIVES??!! Can you imagine what our bibles would say, if those that followed Him originally behaved in even a fraction of the fashion we behave, in our foolish cowardice and compromise?? I can tell you, there would be no bible, no good news, with loads of testimony, teaching and example for us to follow and adhere to. Lord, let Your kindness lead us to repentance, and open our blind eyes, and deliver us from selfish lust and greed, and pride, and cowardice and deception with double mindedness and unite our hearts that we might fear Your Name, and be truly known by our love for one another, that is shown in our ACTIONS and laying down our lives with true love for one another without foolish judging on the outside. Please bless us to have eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to understand, and hearts of love with bravery and courage and righteous indignation when we see evil and injustice done, rather than running and hiding and offering to pray for others without taking a stand for those that are being persecuted and destroyed. Please help us Jesus. Amen and amen.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:15:00 +0000

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