Why go the non-lethal route in Shadowrun? 1) Practicality. - TopicsExpress


Why go the non-lethal route in Shadowrun? 1) Practicality. Non-lethal ammunition is cheaper, stun spells have less drain. 2) Residue. Blood and death leave traces in the physical and astral that are hard to clean up. If youre trying for a clean job, then tasers, stick-n-shock, stunbolts and NarcoJect are the ways to go. 3) Aftershocks. If youre doing the job right, no one will witness you. If they do, theyll see the mask you are wearing. You are wearing a mask, right? And when they go down, they will get a reprimand and maybe a demotion, might have a little hospital time or PTSD. Their kid is worried about their parent, but also thrilled they saw a Shadowrunner. As opposed to dying. Which hurts their family, hurts their coworkers, hurts their employers. Why do you care? Because children grow up seeking revenge for their father, murdered by a career criminal. Life insurance is used by grieving spouses to hire bounty hunters. Co-workers and friends are looking for you, pressuring the cops and the corps for justice. And the corp will want to make an example out of you. You just cost them more than you think, and taking it out of your hide will only do them good. All of that is bad for your health and bad for your business. 4) Reputation. Sure, theres a market for bruisers and blood-bath types, but they are usually called assassins or terrorists, not shadowrunners. People want to have less to do with cold-hearted bastards and high-Notoriety criminals for any number of reasons: they are dangerous/unstable; the are creepy; they bring heat with them. Discretion is the watchword of the professional, and professionals make more friends, more money, and live longer to enjoy both. To say nothing of an easy conscience, presuming you still have one.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:28:37 +0000

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