Why have I revealed so many amazing teachings and stories and - TopicsExpress


Why have I revealed so many amazing teachings and stories and shared so many of my thoughts with you? Let me explain it with a parable. There was once a king whose only son became so ill that all the doctors despaired of curing him. Meanwhile, a doctor of outstanding wisdom came and the king begged him to try his best to cure the prince. The doctor told him truthfully that the chances of the prince being cured were very remote, but if they tried one last thing , there was a very faint possibility that the prince would be cured. But I dont know if I should tell you what this method is, said the doctor, because it will be very hard indeed to apply it. When the king pressed him to reveal the method, the doctor said: You must understand that your sons illness is so desperate that it is now quite impossible to put even a single drop of medicine in his mouth. However, there are certain remedies which are so priceless that a single small bottle costs thousands and thousands of gold pieces. Now you must fill barrels and barrels full of these precious remedies and pour them in bucketfuls over your son. Obviously these precious remedies will almost all go to waste, but the prince will become slightly stronger. And it may be that as they are poured all over him, one tiny drop will enter his mouth and he might be healed. The king immediately agreed and gave instructions to do what the doctor had suggested, and this was how the prince was healed. Precisely because we are so crushed by the sickness of our souls, the Tzaddik, the faithful doctor, is forced to pour priceless remedies over us, even though it would seem that virtually all of them will go to waste. Nevertheless, the sweet scent is absorbed. And in the fullness of time, maybe we will allow one drop to enter into our mouths and our inner being, and then there will be some hope for us to be healed spiritually and physically. Chayey Moharan #391
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 06:52:17 +0000

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