Why idol worship? Firstly, when you salute the flag of India - TopicsExpress


Why idol worship? Firstly, when you salute the flag of India what do you salute. Is it the green color you salute, or the orange color, or the white color, or the chakra ? Or the cloth, or the flag post ? When you salute the flag, you salute the idea which it represents, which is United India. Some of my friends, in past few fb posts, beautifully pointed out how I should stop taking meanings of PK and spread peace and friendship. See this is the reality of India, whatever you do, at the end of the day, we all are United, and when you salute the flag, you salute that. Same way, when you do murti puja, you connect with the idea that the idol represents. Our vedic tradition teaches us that we are beyond body, our presence is beyond body. Which if you dont understand can be understood scientifically if you ever followed any book on quantum mechanism etc. For more on this refer to footnotes[1]. So now that you know you are beyond body, but in your inner image, mamakaara, your identity you feel you are body. If you ask yourself, who are you, you connect to your identity as body. I am in this body, or I am this body. But that is not you. So enlightened masters who went beyond body came up with the concept of idol worship. They tell us, that as long as body or form is in our mamakaara, idol worship is good for us. When we know that we are beyond beyond and formless, only then can we cognize God is his formless form. Till then, it is like a homework. For all those who have question on why Shiva linga looks like a particular form, etc etc. Be very clear, Shiva is formless, timeless, ageless, omnipresent, omipontent. It is all consistent with whatever religion you follow. But hindu dharma goes one level futher. It says you are one with God. You are not separate. Actually you dont have any identity of your own. You are just reflection of God. You are that. You are Shiva. Shivoham = I am Shiva. But Shiva is formless, so how can I be that. Till you get the experience of being beyond body, idol worship is good for you. Footnotes [1] How quantum mechanics explains that we are beyond body : In this video you can understand how even we humans are omnipresent, this video explains the truth using electrons as example https://youtube/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc&feature=player_embedded nithyananda.org/video/why-do-hindus-perform-idol-worship-0#gsc.tab=0
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:07:09 +0000

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