Why is CNN Wolf Blitzer misleading the American People?! CNN Wolf - TopicsExpress


Why is CNN Wolf Blitzer misleading the American People?! CNN Wolf Blitzer today played the Devil’s Advocate as he deliberately misreported the events in Egypt to the American public. Mr. Blitzer actually misrepresented the facts as he tried to get CNN correspondent Ben Wedeman to compare favorably the numbers of Morsy supporters to the infinitely larger rebels turnout who outnumber Morsy supporters 100:1 and to project the current events in Egypt as a coup d’état by the army. Nothing could be further from the truth! What is taking place in Egypt is clearly a popular revolution led by the younger generation against a fascist religious president and his terrorist Ku Klux Klan-style gang who won an election under the disguise of a fallacious promise of democracy and development, which proved to be a big lie over a period of a disastrous year of dictatorship, lack of performance and attempts to turn Egypt into a backward Islamic theocracy in the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The model of the Islamic republic is overwhelmingly rejected by Egyptians as exhibited by the largest turnout in the history of humanity; more than 30 million people. The forward of the new Egyptian Constitution - drafted and rushed through by Mr. Morsy and his Brotherhood -stipulates that “The people are the source and creator of powers; from them they derive their legitimacy, and are subject to their control... Their responsibilities and authorities are custodies to carry and observe, not privileges to take shelter behind.” This empowers the people’s Revolutionary Council to oust the president, suspend the constitution, and instruct the Armed Forces to empower a new government and protect the revolution. That is what actually happened in Egypt on June the 30th and that is what the military did after consulting Christian and Muslim leaders under a constitutional order by the people of Egypt. That, Mr. Blitzer, is not a coup d’état.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:55:48 +0000

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