Why is Obama Sending US Troops to Ebola Plagued West - TopicsExpress


Why is Obama Sending US Troops to Ebola Plagued West Africa? Posted 10 Hours Ago by Dave Jolly The Ebola outbreak in four West African countries appears to be spreading out of control and is being labeled as the worst outbreak in history. Ebola virus disease is caused by one of four different virus strains, Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo and Tai Forest. The symptoms take between 2 to 21 days after contracting the virus to manifest themselves with the average being 8 to 10 days. The symptoms include fevers above 101.5ºF, severe headache, vomiting diarrhea, stomach pains, excessive bruising and unexplained bleeding.Ebola is spread by direct contact with body fluids which include blood, urine, feces, saliva, vomit & genital secretions. Although it is not spread through the air, a person’s sneezing or coughing can send infected saliva into the air and anyone in close contact could be infected. The mortality rate varies from 60% up to as high as 90% in some areas. Recently, several American medical personnel working with Ebola patients in West Africa contracted the disease. They were quarantined and flown back to the US where they received extensive care at Emory Hospital. Dr. Kent Brantley was one of those infected with Ebola and says the ordeal was tortuous as his body broke down from the disease. A growing number of people have been concerned about the spread of the Ebola virus to the US. The CDC says the chances are very small but they are taking precautions. My concern is that if Ebola is brought to the US that it will travel across the Mexican border with illegals traveling from West Africa. We already know that Middle East Muslims and Africans from various countries have crossed our southern border illegally so the possibility of someone carrying the virus across the border seems more likely than via other travelers. That strong possibility isn’t enough of a danger to Obama for him to take measures to secure our border. Now, Barack Obama is sending 3,000 military troops to the Ebola infected areas of West Africa. Supposedly, the US troops will help distribute supplies and help create treatment centers in strategic areas that can hold up to 100 patients each. Obama is also asking Congress for $88 million to help fight the Ebola outbreak. The US troops aren’t being sent over to actually help fight the disease, but to help provide treatment for those infected. That means that there is a very real likelihood that our men and women will come in contact with the Ebola virus. How many of them will contract the disease? How many of them volunteered to go and how many were ordered to go? What are their chances of bringing the deadly virus back to the US? What precautions are the troops taking to prevent them from contracting the disease and what precautions will be taken to prevent them from bringing it back to the States when they return home? Why are we sending troops instead of medical personnel? One last question is why is Obama sending troops to defeat Ebola but not ISIS? Could it be that Obama’s underlying agenda is to send US troops to the Ebola area, get them infected and then bring it back here to the US to cause an emergency pandemic? I’ve been stating for the past four years that Barack Obama needs to create some sort of national emergency in order for him to declare martial law, allowing him to seize control of the US government and establish his socialist dictatorship. The economic and job crises Obama tried to create never panned out to be the emergency he needed. But a nationwide Ebola outbreak would be just the ticket for him to set his plan in motion. I’m not saying that this is going to happen, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did. ***
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 03:43:53 +0000

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