Why is Protein the answer? You must have seen on the news and - TopicsExpress


Why is Protein the answer? You must have seen on the news and read in the papers about the effects of sugar on your body? Let us try and explain in to you... So you had breakfast three hours ago and you grab a piece of fruit to keep you going. As it’s been so long since you had a proper meal, your system is unable to break down the fruit and utilise the best parts of it — its antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C, and more. Instead, your body is much more likely to say ‘feed me!’ and go straight for the sugar contained in the fruit. But this process can be stopped if you make a conscious effort to only ever eat sugar (whether in the form of pastries, or fruit or refined carbohydrates like bread) in combination with protein foods (such as meat, fish or vegetarian forms of protein like beans and lentils) and/or healthy fats (nuts, seeds, olive oil). Eating something sugary, whether it’s a orange or a chocolate bar, on an empty stomach with no protein or fats to slow its absorption, means that the sugar will be swept up into your bloodstream very quickly. This hit of sugar then tells your pancreas to release insulin to help absorb it, thereby telling your body to convert the extra sugar to fat. So beware. If you’re eating anything containing sugar, refined flour or even starchy vegetables on an empty stomach, it will almost immediately be converted into fat. So by all means enjoy berries for breakfast, but make sure you have eggs and yogurt, too. Grabbing an apple? Then take a handful of nuts as well. It’s a simple rule that could change your health — and waistline — for good. Talk to us about our Curves Complete plan. A personalised online daily plan of what to eat, how to lose weight and stay slim for ever!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 10:48:35 +0000

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