Why is The Pharmaceutical Industry Hiding About What they Know - TopicsExpress


Why is The Pharmaceutical Industry Hiding About What they Know About Posted on September 2, 2013 Delicious 0 inShare Why is The Pharmaceutical Industry Hiding What they Know About Cancer? If indeed there are ways to cure cancer,why is there such resistance from the pharmaceutical industry; why do they hide what they know about cancer and possible cures from the general public? Recently CNN medical reporter Sanjay Gupta stated his change of heart regarding a particular remedy for some known diseases after he saw first hand what it did for a little girl that suffered with seizures become dramatically helped by a drug (herb) which remains illegal in many American states and other countries around the world. It begs the question why are they hiding what they know about cancer cures? Take the Gerson Institute, for example, is carrying out magnificent work using dietary treatments instead of contemporary medicines prescribed by many hospitals and doctors. You may want to ask the question: Why aren’t they hiding what they know about cancer and its cures? Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called “incurable” diseases, including: Cancer (including melanoma, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, lymphoma, pancreatic cancer and many others) Diabetes Heart disease Arthritis Auto-immune disorders, and many others. Charlotte_Class_Above2-460x260 Dr. Gerson’s Therapies did not sit well with many high governmental officials and the pharmaceutical industry for many years. Many attempts were made to discredit him and to show his claims as simply worthless claims. It was important to find out where the pharmaceutical industry stood on the issue of cancer and why anyone connected with the industry would go to great lengths to hidewhat they know about cancer. See The Facts Why the Pharmaceutical Industry Hides What They Know About Cancer Here are some of the facts that meet with fierce pressure to keep away from the eyes and ears of the general public: soursop soursopSoursop, also called graviola or guanábana, is a tree that grows in Central America, the Amazon area and Polynesia mainly. Its almost 1 foot large fruit works very efficiently against all kinds of cancer, like breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Several studies have proven this, at universities among others. Lab tests showed that soursop kills cancer cells 10,000 times more effectively than Adriamycin, a medicine that is generally used with chemo therapy. Just like cannabinoids, the active ingredients in soursop attack cancerous cells, but leave healthy cells alone. You can extract the juice from the soursop fruit yourself, but it works better if it has been given a spagyric treatment first. You can buy this concentrated remedy in nature shops, or online. Surely what the lab tests reveal is good for medicine and should encourage everyone to reveal what they know about cancer and cures. Another successful remedy against cancer is apricot and peachapricot-kernelsapricot-kernels kernels. The high levels of vitamin B17 they contain, work miracles against cancer cells. Tons of material about this available, and a video here. If you find some contradicting statements, please be aware that the industry deliberately spreads disinformation on the internet, just to confuse you. To date no one has ever contradicted the foregoing claim and so wet continue to see how the big mystery goes with the interests of those who hide what they know about cancer and cures. Obviously, these are simple plant material which is grown by simple means and do not require any complex formula and does not required substantial sums of money in investments to produce them. Simply put, these do not have a big bottom line and is not seen to be a lucrative investment. The evidence that we have point to the fact that concerned industries continue to hide what they know about cancer and cures. Instance after instance show that opposition to cancer cures are motivated by desires other than to help patients. With mounting evidence of cures, why are doctors forbidden to look at them let alone to implement what they know about cancer cures. And there are many, many more cures against cancer. Most of them have been discovered by doctors. But they have been ostracized, ridiculed or prosecuted by the establishment. The video documentary “Cancer: The Forbidden Cures” portrays a number of them (more information here). Doctor Burzynski is another one. His brilliant treatment for cancer saved many lives, but the FDA made his work impossible. Even when the media do report about these cancer cures, there’s never a response to it from the government. What will it Take for the Pharmaceutical Industry to Come Clean About What They Know About Cancer? Listen to what Suzanne Somers said in her book about what doctors will not reveal about what they know about cancer and available cures. Author/actress Suzanne Somers also wrote a book on doctors who cured and are still curing patients with cancer, called “Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer–And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place“. An interview with her can be found here. Suzanne Somers has long held that there are cures for cancer and that she is a living witness to the fact of her cure and she is miffed at the fact that scientists and doctors cannot reveal what they know about cancer and what can destroy it. Gwen Olsen showed courage of conviction and revealed what she saw firsthand as powerful interests in the pharmaceutical and medical fields take measures to suppress and hide what they know about cancer cures. Olsen had this to say: Finally, here’s a confession from Gwen Olsen, a veteran of the pharmaceutical industry. She explains why Big Pharma has no interest in curing cancer. Or heart disease. Or Alzheimer, or AIDS, or any kind of disease. That’s bad news, but the good news is that there ARE cures. By educating yourself, you can find the right one for you. This entry was posted in Marketing Tips and tagged david sharpe, david wood, empower network, gvo, momentis, pure leverage, wake up now by alevans07. Bookmark the permalink.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 01:54:50 +0000

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