Why is ghee lamp preferred to oil lamp during puja ritual? 1. - TopicsExpress


Why is ghee lamp preferred to oil lamp during puja ritual? 1. Importance of lamp in Hindu Dharma The lamp has its own special place in Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma. It is a form and a symbol of Tej (Absolute fire principle). The lamp is invoked as, ‘तमसो मा ज्‍योतिर्गमय ।’ meaning the lamp leads us from darkness towards light. It burns only to give message of peace and light to the man. This is its greatness. In this Satsang we shall try to understand what the scriptures have to say about the lamp. Amongst the articles of puja the lamp is an important article. The following mantra which is recited during the ritual of puja explains its significance. 2. Characteristics of oil and ghee lamps Agni Puran clearly states that only oil or Ghee (clarified butter) be used in the lamp meant for puja and no other combustible substance. According to the Science of spirituality the lamp with clarified butter is more sattvik (spiritually pure) as compared to lamp in which oil is used. This is an important aspect which we will try to understand in details. So let us see the difference between the the lamp in which Ghee is used and the one with oil. Generally the use of oil is more prevalent than that of Ghee. The oil containing lamp kindles longer while the ghee containing lamp kindles for a short period. Now let us see the difference from the spiritual view point. Ghee lamp has more capacity to attract the sattvik vibrations present in the surrounding atmosphere as compared to oil lamp. The oil lamp can attract the sattvik vibrations spread over a maximum distance of 1 meter while the ghee lamp can attract sattvik vibrations spread over till Swarga Lok (heaven) When the oil lamp stops burning the predominance of raja particles in the atmosphere is enhanced and lasts for half an hour. On the other hand when the ghee lamp stops burning the impact of sattvikta (the quality of being sattvik) on the atmosphere is experienced even after four hours. Now let us see the characteristics of kindled lamps containing oil and ghee from spiritual angle with the help of a subtle drawing. Here we have to take into consideration the fact that while the vibrations of a subtle drawing are three dimensional we see them in the subtle drawing in a two dimensional form. For example the sphere will appear as a circle. Now let us look at the subtle drawing: The yellow coloured circles seen in this drawing emit divine consciousness (chaitanya) in the atmosphere. The red coloured circles are of radiant energy. The burning flame is emitting frequencies full of Tej tattva (absolute fire principle) in the atmosphere. The red particles which you see here are the emitted particles of energy. So you have seen in this drawing how a oil lamp emits energy in the atmosphere. Now let us observe the subtle drawing of ghee lamp. The blue colour just besides the flame is indicative of spiritual emotion (bhav). The yellow circles which you see here are of chaitanya in the form of Tej tattva projecting in the atmosphere. You can also see the red particles and rays consisting of energy projecting into atmosphere. Spiritual experience imparted by oil and ghee lamps Now let us compare the spiritual experiences obtained due to oil and ghee lamps. But before that let us understand what we mean by Spiritual experience or Anubhuti. We are used to appreciate this world through the media of five sense organs namely nose, ears, eyes, tongue, skin , mind and intellect. This is known as experience. But when we experience something without the participation of all these then it is known as spiritual experience. Now let us compare the spiritual experiences obtained due to oil and ghee lamps. The oil lamp gives us spiritual experience of Pruthvi tattva (absolute earth element) and Aap tattva (absolute water element). For example if we get an experience of fragrance without the actual presence of an object which can impart such fragrance then it is a spiritual experience of Subtle fragrance or gandha. The fragrance is related to Pruthvi tattva. The example of spiritual experience of Aap tattva is dwelling sweet taste in the mouth. When we see subtle light or vision of a deity then it is an example of spiritual experience related to Tej tattva or absolute fire element. When we experience a feeling of touch without any external reason then it is a spiritual experience related to Vayu tattva or absolute air element. The ghee lamp gives spiritual experience of Tej tatva and Vayu tattva to the worshipper. Why only ghee prepared from cows milk should be used? Generally any oil lamp emits frequencies consisting of raja particles but the sesame oil emits some sattva frequencies also. Therefore the lamp with sesame oil is comparatively more sattvik. However the ghee lamp emits the sattvik frequencies in maximum amount compared to any oil lamp. Here we have to remember one thing that it is useful to use ghee prepared only from the cow’s milk in the lamp lit in front of Deity. This is because in such ghee the Deities’ principles are already existent. Such a ghee which is dominant in sattva component emits luminous figures in the atmosphere. Such luminous figures are forms of Tej tattva or absolute fire element. Thus even though the use of ghee is recommended because of its capacity to emit maximum sattva frequencies, we can use sesame oil lamp if the use of ghee is not possible because of financial restraints or otherwise.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:03:28 +0000

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