Why is it a secret that human giants have existed? For some - TopicsExpress


Why is it a secret that human giants have existed? For some years now we have had proof that human giants have existed; so why is it so hard to learn about this? Why do the encyclopaedias still tell us that giants are only mythological fantasies and that gigantism only is a disease? And why do archaeologists warn me that my research on giants can be dangerous? Two of the worlds most renowned researchers on ancient human species, Abesalom Vekua and Lee Berger, are sure that we humans have been through a period of gigantism. But even if they can show the fossils of giant bones this is still not accepted by the majority of the mainstream scientists - and in encyclopaedias we will read that human giants are just myths or results of a disease. Why? Is this supposed to be a secret? Wikipedia: Giant (mythology) The mythology and legends of many different cultures include monsters of human appearance but prodigious size and strength. Encyclopædia Britannica: giant, in folklore, huge mythical being, usually humanlike in form. Gigantism (Wikipedia): Gigantism, also known as giantism, is a condition characterized by excessive growth and height significantly above average. In humans, this condition is caused by over-production of growth hormone[1] in childhood resulting in persons between 7 feet (84 inches) (2.13 m) and 9 feet (108 inches) (2.72 m) in height. Encyclopædia Britannica: gigantism, excessive growth in stature, well beyond the average for the individuals heredity and environmental conditions. Tall stature may result from hereditary, dietary, or other factors. Gigantism is caused by disease or disorder in those parts of the endocrine system that regulate growth and development. Mythology Give it a go - do as I did; Search Wikipedia and Encyclopædia Britannica for giants, human giants, ancient giants, giant human skeleton(s), and giant human bones . You will find nothing but references to mythology. You will easily find Berger and Vekua and their findings of very ancient human species in South Africa and Georgia respectively, on simular searches. But not a word about them confirming human giants! Why? Well, it was not so hard for me to find information on the internet when it comes to the fact that the two famous professors also have told the world about giant human bones. I have written articles about this on my other pages but let me give you a short recap here: The Naked Scientists is an award winning BBC weekly radio programme. In an interview with Lee Berger in 2007 he shows the host Dr. Chris Smith a fossilized bone of an individual that should be over 7 feet tall and says that they have found a lot of them and everywhere they find then they are enormous: - These individuals are extraordinary, they are giants, he says. And yes; Professor Berger has confirmed in an e-mail to me that the interview indeed is real. When it comes to finding remains of one of the oldest human ancestors everybody applauds him but when he is telling that we have been through a period of gigantism it seem like nobody wants to listen or take a look at the proof. Why?... Continues @ nexusilluminati.blogspot/2014/08/why-is-it-secret-that-human-giants-have.html by Terje Dahl
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:52:29 +0000

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