Why is it important for you to know your Bible and study the - TopicsExpress


Why is it important for you to know your Bible and study the scriptures? Because of theology such as this....by a very well known pastor, John Hagee. He teaches that Jews are saved by the perpetual Abrahamic Covenant and that Jesus did not come to be the Messiah. He also claims that anyone who is not a Jew is under a different covenant and we are only under the seven Noahide laws, instead of the ten commandments. Please try to read this and understand why this is imperative for people proclaiming to be Christians to understand exactly what the scripture says concerning Jews and non-Jews. Just as it was in the beginning and even at the Exodus of Egypt......there is only ONE LAW, YHVHs LAWS for EVERYONE. There is not two separate camps with two separate sets of laws. We are all under the law of sin equaling death and we all have the opportunity to come back to the Father through the Messiah Yahushua and walk according to how HE walked, in accordance to His Fathers Will. This is an article that quotes Pastor Hagee and his beliefs and includes a video which was a commercial for his book, titled, In Defense of Israel. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 15:24 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Bahai, needs to believe in Jesus...but not Jews. John Hagee, interview with the Houston Chronicle AN OPEN INVITATION TO PASTOR HAGEE: We have done our level best to quote your words accurately and directly through newspaper interviews you have given, video you have starred in, and in speeches you have given in Israel. We even published your denial of Dual Covenant Theology as you wrote it, complete and unedited. If you take issue with any part of this article, we invite you to call in to our radio show, and we can discuss it openly, honestly and fairly. You may also email us here to set up a meeting. We look forward to speaking with you soon. Dual Covenant Theology explained For those of you who dont know, this is what Dual Covenant Theology is: Dual-covenant theology is a Liberal Christian view that holds that Jews may simply keep the Law of Moses, because of the everlasting covenant (Genesis 17:13) between Abraham and God expressed in the Hebrew Bible, whereas Gentiles (those not Jews or Jewish proselytes) must convert to Christianity or alternatively accept the Seven Laws of Noah. Many forms of Christianity, especially Conservative Protestants, consider this view to be heresy. source - Wikipedia John Hagee may reject the term Dual Covenant Theology, but he absolutely subscibes to the idea of it Does John Hagee teach Dual Covenant Theology? Yes, he does. How do I know this? A friend of mine who lives in Israel met with Pastor Hagee and his staff including Cheryl Morrison, a key Director in CUFI - Christians United For Israel. At this meeting, attended by over 5,000, she was told by both Pastor Hagee and Cheryl Morrison that Jews are saved by the Abrahamic covenant He told them, in effect, that they do not need Jesus because they have Gods promised to Abraham. This is a fact, this happened a few weeks ago. This is not something I found on the Internet, this is a real-life story that happened to someone I am personal friends with. Needless to say, when she told me this I was floored. I had been sharing the Gospel with her for well over a year, and now here she was telling me that John Hagee and CUFI assured her that all she needed to get to Heaven was the Abrahamic Covenant. It broke my heart. Let me be crystal clear before we go any further. When evidence of this heresey was first presented to me, the FIRST thing I did was to contact John Hagee Ministries in Austin, Texas, to discuss this with them. I called and asked to speak with someone regarding Mr. Hagees position on how salvation for the Jews is obtained. After listening to several nervous-sounding administration officials tell me they could not help me, I was finally put in contact with one Velvet Ridings, who told me that she is the Administrative Director for Christians United for Israel. (story continued after the video) THE VIDEO THAT JOHN HAGEE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO SEE! You will notice that clicking on the video below brings up an offical YouYube notice that the video has been terminated from the NTEB YouTube channel. This was done at the offical request of the people at John Hagee Ministries. Why would they do this? ************There was a video that was taken down by request of Pastor Hagee.*********************** They did it because in the video, which is a commerical for Hagees book, In Defense Of Israel, John Hagee asserts that Jesus did not come to the earth to be the Messiah. Yes, thats right, John Hagee said that, and John Hagee believes that. But when the book was published, there was such an outcry against his obviously heretical position, that Hagee was forced to re-write his book, and claim that he was misinterpreted, and that he used the wrong words to get his point across. At the same time he released his book, he also made a television commerical that ran on TBN, with him looking into the camera and saying the very things that he claims people have misinterpreted from his book. Maybe you can misinterpret a book from the way you read it, but him doing a TV commercial saying exactly what he denies is said is pretty powerful stuff. Things like this are usually referred to as the smoking gun. John Hagee Ministries Attacks NTEB In Attempt To Silence Video Here now is the commercial of John Hagee saying that Jesus did not come to the earth to be the Messiah. This action taken by John Hagee Ministries, petitioning YouTube to remove this video, has resulted in the permanent deletion of the NTEB YouTube channel. But here is a snippet of his commercial. https://youtube/watch?v=8ktH3eknsak
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 22:26:04 +0000

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