Why is it so difficult to work with us? Its rhetorical because I - TopicsExpress


Why is it so difficult to work with us? Its rhetorical because I know the things that bother me. During my short time of being a producer I have worked with several of us. Ive had more than a handful of mishaps and they have really deflated my desire to deal. Being on time is imperative, good communication is key, dress for the job and perform it beyond expectations, take your opportunity serious, and never leave promises empty. I have one business I woke with quite often who is owned by a white woman and when I say she does ALL of the above; she does ALL OF THE ABOVE. Unless she ever fires me; I am not going ANYWHERE! If she say it, she does it; period. She do a service, I pay...and each and every time she does that thing; it is always above par. Thank you. In dealing with us Ive received product I could not use and had to waste time running here and there rather than it being offered to be delivered, I recently had cd reproduction done and of 50 I pulled out 3 cds. The 1st disc wouldnt play in my DVD player, the 2nd case was empty, and the 3rd was broken..all of this after I had to track him down to get status that I had already given a deposit for. Several days later, I am still checking product. Called a caterer over 1 week in advance to be told that was not enough time to prepare. Let me start over, I called an aspiring caterer who I know to not be busy and was told that was not enough time. Let THE OPPORTUNITY Ive been waiting for call to me today, I will do all within my power to GET IT DONE and be there in position to be successful. There are 3 things with us as business people... 1) We think because we were called that we have arrived. NO; each opportunity is a stepping stone to the next and if we lack...our next opportunity could be hindered so when its time to show up, we need to show up and do our 100%! 2) We lack professionalism. On this one I needed to self evaluate myself. We show up unprepared. So when asked for your bio/picture; it should be clicks away. When asked for a business card or point of communication, we should be able to present that business card immediately & it should not have curled corners or food/crumbs on it. Our voicemails should sale what we do after all; communication is a key asset to our business. ...and when we show up in person; we should show up looking like what we do. If youre doing business with a designer, look like a designer and not a designer who needs help designing. Even if its just one outfit, wear that same one until the wheels fall off or until you can buy a new one as long as it has he look and when asked for a quote; please dont have someone have to call you back for a quote. Im not calling anyone back for a quote, what happens when I need my product or services? #RedFlag! 3) Remember when: Remember the last time you were contacted and the way that person was dealt with. I once contacted an artist for a show and though my vision was BIG, his of me was not. I remember once when Destinys Child was interviewing others on the red carpet and they were being asked who they were. Some folks knew, others has no idea. Though they were unknown they still acted as if others should just know who they are as they continued to do the work. I am learning that big dreams come in small packages. {Continuing with story}...so I contact this artist and he tells me that its too early to be booked and that he was going under new management and had no idea what the proposed month would look like. {Thinking THATS why I called you early}...so I was then told that when its closer to time I would need to contact his management team and we could see if hes available then. Wow really? Talking about being PUT OFF! The greatest asset in an artist aside from being GREAT at what they do is being humble enough to do what they love no matter what. Ive done shows with 5 in a room and Ive performed in front of 300+ and Ill say it was the smaller productions that have taught me the most. SUMMING UP: There is no opportunity too big or too small to me because I realize the God that I serve is ALWAYS testing me, I just want to be sure to pass. Not all opportunities are good, not even the big ones but I will never allow my ego to determine what is too small or to big for me because with every opportunity is potentially another opportunity right around the corner. #StayReady! #BeReady! #LookLikeYourBusiness! #AnewGateJustOpened! #Evolution!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 13:37:20 +0000

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