Why is it so important to define holiness by love? If love does - TopicsExpress


Why is it so important to define holiness by love? If love does not define holiness, you get people who are holier than thou. You get the opposite of love. When do we stop loving people? No one would admit to it publicly. Yet, in practice, I think it is all too common. In church work, so often the task becomes the goal and not the salvation or sanctification of the person. When worship becomes about what I want, we no longer love. We forget that there are over 100 other people in the room. When “ministry” becomes my “job”, it must be done my way. We forget the people whose souls we are caring for. Organization becomes a means for my self-esteem to be raised at the expense of all else. Battles for power replace the salvation of people’s souls and their journey toward heaven. My needs and concerns take precedence over the needs and concerns of others. My power and need to control take precedence over other people and things. This is not love. It is not even sanctification. It is surely not holiness.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:00:00 +0000

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