Why is it that in the BLACK community WHEN someone dies in the - TopicsExpress


Why is it that in the BLACK community WHEN someone dies in the family, the family seems to FALL APART? OR WAS it falling apart before hand and it wasnt SEEN until it happened? I THINK when families think DEATH is the reason for separation, maybe we should go ALL THE WAYYY BACK to see that DEATH isnt the REAL reason that we THINK families fall APART! ITS selfishness and EGO thats the reason! WE GET soo attached to this LIFE that we forget that we are suppose to REJOICE over our LOVED ONES LEAVING HERE but most of us WISH that they are still amongst us for OUR own personal REASONS! WE MUST learn to LET GO although it hurts us that they are gone and WE MUST LIVE so that we WONT MISS out on the LIFE thats left for US to LIVE! Dont let SELFISHNESS, EGO, HOLDING on to THINGS that remind you of someone who is GONE stop you from BEING HAPPY during the TI:ME we have left here on EARTH PRESENTLY! God has a reason for it ALL but things FALL apart so that GOOD things can FALL BACK together! Lets NOT live up to FAMILY names, TRADITIONS and living to PLEASE the dead because THERE life was LIVED and WE HAVE to LIVE ours! Lets NOT keep trying to HOLD pieces together when GOD has called those pieces HOME! LET GO and LIVE!!!!!! IT shouldnt take DEATh to see that a FAMILY was broken because IF our FAITH is TRULY in GOD then we would ALL KNOW that there would be NO separation to begin with because WITH GOD, he sees us in ONE BOAT all TOGETHER and this does NOT CHANGE! We gotta start to see out of his EYES! Ask YOURSELVES, who is CAUSING separation amongs FAMILY MEMBERS because I can guarantee you, If we learn to SEE EACH other for WHO we ARE, LOVING them withOUT judgement, there would be NO SEPARATION! THIS goes for EVERY family! NOT JUST BLACK! ALL OF thee ABOVE! IT SHOULDNT TAKE TRAGEDY taking PLACE to have a REASON for BLAME! THE KEY is LOVING others getting RID of ALL SHAME! -Sunkee Angel .....
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:39:43 +0000

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