Why is it that people automatically assume that just because I do - TopicsExpress


Why is it that people automatically assume that just because I do not work a regular 9 to 5 job, that I have no life, and dont do much with my time? I had a conversation with a friend of mine about this yesterday, and I am still kind of cheesed about it. I dont understand why I SHOULD have to justify myself to her, but hey. Here goes. Believe it or not, I am actually pretty busy.... I have a small business that I am trying to build, and I help The Husband with his. This includes maintaining my online store, manufacturing product, procuring supplies (usually bartering for what I want) etc. That does not include all of the paperwork that I do for The Husband, and myself, as well as scheduling his jobs, and my shows, etc. and applying for shows for me. That does not include networking with others to get my name out there! I have a teenager, and I am a karate mom, meaning that I run the kid plus a buddy to Karate class 3 days a week. I am also a regular mom on top of that, and that is full time job in and of its self! I have a teenager with some challenges, in that he is Type 1, with complications so that means that I have to pretty much cook every meal that he eats as our school does not offer appropriate choices yet, and eating out can be a nightmare as well as expensive, so I am the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. The Teenager requires regular trips back and forth to Iowa City, as well as dealing with the smaller health issues that regularly seem to crop up, and since I am with the kid the most, that means that I deal with the majority of them on my own. I am also the chief chauffeur, as the kid does not drive yet, and I am the one with a flexible schedule so I am the one that is back and forth with him the most. And believe me when I tell you, you are on IOWA CITYS SCHEDULE! You go when they tell you, it is not like calling your local clinic for a walk in! I have a LOT of upcoming craft shows, art fairs, and other events that I am setting up as a vendor for, and that requires more than just the time to set up, tear down, and the time that I am at the sale. I also have to manufacture enough product on my own to sell. And I am scheduled to be at at least one show a week until October! Time away from any given show means money lost for me. I have special orders that have to be filled for my small business, and more people trying to get on my list (which is booked until at least July) I am a domestic engineer, and if I dont clean it, it does not get done. I am running two events this year, and that takes up a LOT of time, as well as consulting for a third. I am performing at two Faires this year, and am Head Lady at a powwow in August, and again, travel time plus time at this event. We have TWO diabetes camps coming up for the kid, one of which I will be at for the weekend, and that requires travel time. Now tell me again, that I dont do much with my time!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:28:23 +0000

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