Why is it that so many people who reject the Bible because they - TopicsExpress


Why is it that so many people who reject the Bible because they say they demand evidence and dont believe anything without proof; are many of the same people who seem to believe everything they read elsewhere? Every little absurdity they can find to try to discredit the Word, they accept and cling on to for dear life without the slightest bit of real evidence. I have read so much nonsense here, its breathtaking and there isnt time to combat it all. Yet little if any proof is given. They find pictures of some crap from years ago that supposedly proves something. And they present this nonsense as evidence against something they claim to reject due to lack of evidence. If gives me tremendous insight into the mindset of some people and the tactics of the enemy. Satan knows his time is short. The clock is ticking. Hes desperate and is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the gospel. There will never be a shortage of fools who believe everything they hear. So as long as he keeps throwing horse manure against the wall, some will always stick. [Proverbs 14:15] The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:42:27 +0000

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