Why is it that we stomp back so much when we become very closely - TopicsExpress


Why is it that we stomp back so much when we become very closely correlated with others in relationships. We all know how the ones closest to us can push our buttons, so as in our eyes make us choose to retaliate. This i know is just a choice from that very strong stimuli of the fear created EGO, that wants to control and defend itself. It seems to overwhelm our awareness, so as to block out calm creative solutions. Okay i get all of that, and i know if i can just stay calm and not play into that defense of my EGO, that other choices will come streaming into my awareness. We all have the power to redirect those negative emotions that seem to be natural to all of us acting here. My model to defeat this, is just to consciously make choices not to play into my first natural response to stomp back. And just wait for that calm to start flowing other (organized information) choices into my awareness, so as to start choosing calmly. Creative solutions that will defuse the situations with reason and logic. I have found this to be very doable, although admittedly a very slow process, that seems to happen with (past events) that model that we created by looking downstream, into our past behaviors. My point here is that (99%) most all of our discontents, and miseries are caused by our freewill choices to play into our fear created EGOS. We can not be part of the solution and positively change others very effectively, if we do not start changing ourselves. By consciously being that positive object of change. By outgrowing our annoying fear created EGOS, that only serves the big problem, and never the solutions, with growing up in this God System that we are all apart of
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 11:49:27 +0000

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