Why is our country so F*cked up? We have given our FEDERAL Govt - TopicsExpress


Why is our country so F*cked up? We have given our FEDERAL Govt too much power! The Federal Govt was only supposed to have those 12 Miles Square that makes up Washington DC, American Samoa, Guam, US virgin Islands, those Forts and Magazines (military bases) and other lands given to it by the States. The Founders recognized, that the Federal Govt would be a behemoth, difficult to control... They wanted it to be stronger than the Articles of Confederation made it, but still wanted MOST of Govt power to reside within the STATES - That is why the Federal Govt has ENUMUERATED Powers... Which are powers that are so written, that anyone without a degree in Law could read and understand. The Founders figured if you didnt like how your State was ran, you could either easily leave the State and travel to one that you did like - which would create good competition between states to try to win you over... or would be so easy to elect a Governor, and legilslators that would be easy for its population to FIRE! Congress has such a low approval number, you would think each of them would be fired... the problem is these Senators and Congressmen are so entrenched in the Fed Govt they are not really beholden to anyone... incumbents are re-elected NORTH of 80%. While its approval rating is in the 30s Join the Tea Party in FIGHTING to restore Balance in Govt, Get rid of Govt Beuracracy, Fight for States Rights.... Whether Democrat or Republican.... give power to the ones you can easily take it away from. God Bless
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 00:49:14 +0000

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