Why is patience so important? What happens if you don’t have - TopicsExpress


Why is patience so important? What happens if you don’t have patience? The Guides say you do will not look at yourself evenly. You create hardships that undercut the part of you that is old. You lose track of your values. Soon, you feel lost in how to honor you as an individual. The first step in learning patience is through repetition. It’s not going to happen overnight. You know a lot about you, but you not going to perfect yourself or get things right in a heartbeat. It takes patience to achieve, so be prepared…and patient with your life’s lessons. The next step toward patience sounds a little unusual. The Guides say: It is truth that man knows much about himself. But it is also truth that he must learn to be humbled. When man is humbled, he finds a face of him that is buried. He loses the boundaries that have closed him off from the world. He finds himself feeling good about his own ego, and he feels gentle in the way in which he handles himself. When you try to prove your importance or worth to others, you create a burden you don’t need to carry. What you are trying to promote about you ends up disappointing you, because that’s not who you really are. That’s not what’s really inside of you. In short—It’s a fake version of you. After a while, you begin to believe that the ones you’re trying to impress are not really buying it, so you become embarrassed and retreat within. These are burdens you have created for yourself by “over joining your hands in union with others,” as The Guides put it. Life can become stressful. If you don’t know how to set up healthy boundaries in learning how to deal with difficult situations on your own, you start leaning on others too much. You then can become impatient with them if they don’t solve the problem for you. Ultimately, you lose patience even with yourself. In our next post, we’ll discuss how looking inside you can help create patience.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 12:32:38 +0000

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