Why is the revelation of GODS name important? God gives us - TopicsExpress


Why is the revelation of GODS name important? God gives us warnings that we should not profane his name. God’s name is sacred and we should reverence the name of God. ____________________________________________ In the beginning, GOD told Moses His name but along the way, the English translated Bibles changed the name of Yahweh, Yahshua to GOD, LORD and Jesus Christ. ____________________________________________ Exodus6:2-3 2 And Elohim spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am יהוה: 3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of El-Shaddai, but by my name יהוה was I not known to them? ____________________________________________ Yahweh Elohim told Moses to go and tell Pharoah of Egypt His warning message. Exodus6:15-16 15 By now I could have used my power to kill you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth. 16 But I have spared you for this reason. I want to show you my power and make my name famous throughout the earth. ____________________________________________ How do you make your GOD famous if you only use a general title, like God, GOD, Lord, LORD. Others who follow the other religions in the world also call their gods, God and Lord. In fact, the followers of other religions have a title and also their Gods name. They address their gods as God A or Lord B GOD or LORD is not GODS name. Just like human being is not your name. Human being is what you are. GODS name was removed totally from some of the English bibles. What is the ulterior motive? Just like the NIV Bible, they deleted some verses from the Bible and changed their meaning. If we want to know the truth, we should refer to the Hebrew Bible...Do they use GOD or LORD or Jesus Christ? However, the Jews address GOD as Adonai. I believe, the name of GOD is very important. If your earthly Father were to pass away, and your name is not as what is written in your ID, you will not receive any inheritance from your Father. Your Earthly Father has a name. When your friends asked you for your fathers name, you tell them, his name is Father. Your friend will give you a weird look. I believed many pastors and churches in the world has been duped and deceived by the great deceiver, Satan. ____________________________________________ 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Satan is also a father of lies. John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. ___________________________________________ Let us suppose, one day you died and go up to heaven and at the gate, the angel checked your name in their book of life, your name is not found in it because you worshipped an unknown God or a person by the name of Jesus Christ. Do not underestimate the power of Satan in this world. There are many multinational companies supporting dubious organizations which work against Yahweh Elohim. These are sheeps in wolf clothing. Our GODS name is Yahweh /Yahuwah/YHWH and the sons name is Yahshua/Yeshua/Yahushua. We could be worshipping a counterfeit god, by calling his name as God, Lord, Jesus. Baal is also a Lord. ____________________________________________ The churches that preach ‘in the name of Jesus’ do not keep His Father’s Name, Word or Commandments. They instead keep the traditions handed down from the Catholic Church, which adopted the Pagan customs, traditions, ‘Holy days’, and names they incorporated into ‘Christianity’ to bring in the masses of the peoples into the ‘Church’! Attribution : wwyd.org/Studies/The_Name.htm ____________________________________________ For further reading:- spiritandeternallife.blogspot/2011/09/40-why-is-revelation-of-gods-name.html?m=1 yhwh/gingn/gingn.htm wwyd.org/Studies/The_Name.htm
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:04:23 +0000

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