Why is the world not standing up against the murder of children? - TopicsExpress


Why is the world not standing up against the murder of children? This is the most important stand that can be made. Yes, we should look at all atrocities but this is sanctioned genocide. We are supposed to be civilised. We are supposed to be free but we arent. We are trapped by complacency and laziness. Children are being deliberately targeted. We have power but we are populated by people who would be more aghast at the plight of a poor girl whose cat died, prompting her to enter a talent show, or which moron has the best spray on tan in some stupid, vacuous and pointless TV show than they are about a 5 year old being blown apart, simply because the world believes the bible. Please stop and think. There are things we can do. If you think this is not important because it doesnt affect you, you are a moron. Stop blaming Hamas. Yes, they should stop but Israel know they dont have to stop, Stop blaming Jews also. This is Zionism. Wake up and say no to the murder of Children! Please.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:49:41 +0000

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