Why me? This is a question a few of my clients have struggled - TopicsExpress


Why me? This is a question a few of my clients have struggled with. Why Me? Why should I have to do this hard thing, or I am a good person, why do I have these road blocks and struggles? I heard a Christmas song the other day that kind of drove this question home. Its called, What a Strange Way to Save the World. I posted it here for you to listen to. But truly this question is something I think everyone struggles with. Why me? Why this divorce, I was a good spouse? Why me? Why this job loss, I was a faithful employee. Why me, why did my child have to die? Why me, why do I have to struggle with money all the time. And what I often say to people is, Why not you? You are far stronger than you know. You are capable of much more than you think you are. Why not you? Why should your life be without struggle. Maybe down the road this lesson you are learning will help someone else because of the wisdom you got from this moment in time. Maybe down the road your lifes journey will be an example to someone who needs it. If you live a life of complete ease then when a road block occurs you have no coping mechanisms and they WILL occur. You are rendered completely incapable of dealing with it and unarmed so to speak for the battle ahead. So I ask you to try this, when you are met with an obstacle, TRY to say, thank you God. Thank you for allowing me to learn something new and to grow in this new way. Thank you for trusting me with this situation that I will stay faithful in You. For those of you who still wrestle with your faith, this will seem like an asinine way to deal with strife. For those of you who are in the middle of a crisis, this will feel like an easier said than done, way of dealing with it. But trust me, what do you have to lose? Everyday during the season of turmoil, take 5 minutes each morning to say thank you God for this moment in my life. Then take 5 minutes each night to say thank you God for helping me get through this day. Its okay to say you are angry and scared, its a relationship with God. He understands your pain. You dont have to hide if from Him. Tell Him you dont understand why this is happening but you trust Him to reveal it to you. There is something very powerful about trusting God with your whole heart. You will feel better, you will be able to deal with the situation better and you will sleep better at night. All things are possible through God. Not outside of God, not around God, THROUGH God. He must be present with you to help you. The reason this song reminded me of these clients, and of myself to be honest at different points in my life, is because Joseph said the same thing. Why me? I am just a simple man of trade, why Him? With all the rulers in the world, Why here? in a stable filled with Hay, why her? Shes just an ordinary girl,...This seems like such a strange way to save the world... Because that was Gods will and it was necessary to fulfill prophesies that Joseph knew nothing about so that 2014 years later we would all still be celebrating Christmas. There is always an answer to every WHY, but you have to have faith and believe that there is. Merry Christmas. Reach out to me if you are in a season of struggle. I will do all I can to help you through. God Bless. youtu.be/HQAOmkeKnJo
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:23:09 +0000

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