Why not watch this awesome short 27 minute documentary with me. - TopicsExpress


Why not watch this awesome short 27 minute documentary with me. EVERY BELIEVER SHOULD WATCH THIS. Youre gonna love this. {dont comment on this unless youve watched till the end} {Just that you know my stance from the beginning I, like the guy in the video, believe in miracles as weve seen every kind of sickness healed divinely, dead people made alive again and demons cats out, so do believe in miracles and you dont really need faith for facts, and Im sure all you believers believe the Bible as it says to do these things as well.} My take a ways from it is that God doesnt force Himself on people, because in the Old and New Covenants the spirit of the prophets have been subject to the prophets{youre spirit is who you really are so you wont try and take you over}. Also that God said dont be drunk with wine but be filled with the Spirit and be sober minded and vigilant. So God didnt say dont get wasted but let Me make you wasted, also when the guys got the Holy Spirit in the New Testament they werent staggering, throwing up, or shaking like pagans or people using E would, but that the people witnessing this suggested that these men were drunk as the only argument they had for these people speaking funny to try and explain it, and it obviously wasnt a logical argument. God is not a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey and isnt some psychopath that would force Himself on you in anyway ever. One also gets that God doesnt wanna force His miracles through you but you have submit your will to His, not clear your mind and just let Him take over{people who think this clearly do not understand their role or place in the economy of God, that He has to work through them because He gave the world to them, and dont get that they choose Him and His ways and that you can worship the Lord in vain, meaning there is a right and wrong way according to God and these people need to be really teachable to Him and stop acting the way carnally minded atheist heathens and pagans acted a while ago who couldnt understand the simple truth of Christ that you are complete in Him and lack nothing and have no need of anything to get more spiritual, yet they called their behavior christian even though it was just paganism with a christian mask, and they were for freedom nless you show them real freedom and they were very tolerant except to those who differ from them which showed they werent tolerant at all, and these people cannot understand the obvious truth that God is bad to some extent if He forces Himself on you, because that is what rapists and murderers do also}and these same people who participate in these manifestations just dont know God well enough to know that Hes really good and doesnt act like that, and they also dont know that their psychosomatic practices actually do pull bad spirits to you and thats why youll have real experiences with something you cant explain but know to be real, but because you dont know Gods nature or character you think He wants to do these things. Also a good take away was that God doesnt wanna control you like a little robot and the only reason people continuously fall for this, like I myself once did as well, is because they suffer from a perverted mindset that, almost like the Old Covenant mindset, wrongly assumes there is separation between them and God and thats why their faith shows us they believe they have a little more of Him at special times, which is not based on Christian thinking. We lack nothing, we have all, not most, because we are fully and completely one with Jesus and when we act from this right foundation there will be good growth. We never saw Jesus or the apostles doing these kinds of practices or supporting them. They never fell down not being able to contain the Spirit and they never jumped around on one leg to make something special happen nor did they try and make goosebumps or feathers happen. They were normal about it and being normal and acting spiritual and practical makes the religious very mad. If you do these things because you think this is the way to worship better or you got this idea from your pastor and not from Jesus or His Word, then Id suggest you have real authentic faith and a flowing of the Spirit in this by letting Him correct you. He loves you... too much to just leave you this way. Be blessed friend.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:28:01 +0000

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