Why our loyal and loving Queen will NEVER abdicate: Our monarchs - TopicsExpress


Why our loyal and loving Queen will NEVER abdicate: Our monarchs vow to her job for life NEVER mind that a bookie has stopped taking bets on an abdication, look back at what our future monarch vowed on her 21st birthday. On her 21st birthday in 1947 the then Princess Elizabeth took to the airwaves to make one of her earliest radio broadcasts. Speaking from Cape Town where she was on tour with her parents and younger sister our present Queen delivered an address to the Commonwealth that was as unequivocal as it was momentous. After some opening remarks she came to the crux of her speech: “I can make my solemn act of dedication with a whole Empire listening. I should like to make that dedication now. It is very simple. I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” She ended by saying: “God help me to make good my vow, and God bless all of you who are willing to share in it.” Clearly the folks at bookmaker Coral don’t know their history or, worse, believe Her Majesty is capable of going back on a solemn promise. Shaken up this week by a rash of bets on the Queen using her Christmas message to announce her abdication – an act on which Coral was offering odds of 10-1 – it suspended betting on the issue. Palace sources immediately dismissed the idea as “just not true”. So are we right to be so certain that a woman who celebrates her 89th birthday in April will stay in post to the bitter end? In an age when a politician can be voted in on a promise of “Read my lips: no new taxes” and then subsequently impose them, we are used to our masters dissembling, changing tack to stay in line with prevailing sentiment and even telling barefaced lies. And so it would not be beyond the wit of the Queen’s courtiers to soften us up for an abdication by explaining that the words she uttered 67 years ago were those of an immature young woman, pronounced in an alien era and under very different circumstances. They could point to the abdication of other European royals such as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, who two years ago became the third Dutch queen in a row to give up the throne early, and add that King Juan Carlos of Spain followed her example in June of this year. If yet more examples were required they could bring up the decision of Pope Benedict XVI to resign last year, the first pope to do so in almost 600 years. In a British context, however, when it comes to the relationship between the monarch and his or her subjects it has long been a case of “till death us do part”. The reign of the present Queen’s father King George VI came to an end during the night of February 5 1952. Soon after falling asleep the 56-year-old king suffered a coronary thrombosis – a fatal blood clot on the heart – and was found dead in his bed by his valet James MacDonald at 7.30 next morning. His elder daughter and heir Elizabeth, 25, was in Kenya at the time and immediately boarded a plane back to London. In Washington the Senate and the House of Representatives voted to adjourn out of respect for the King who had been a steadfast ally in the fight against Nazi Germany. Then no fewer than 16 months elapsed before Elizabeth’s coronation, which has gone down in history as one of the landmark television events of the century. It used to be said that uneasy lies the head that wears a crown – a reference to how vulnerable monarchs were to usurpers who would have them beheaded. The young Elizabeth had a different reason to feel uneasy as she sat in Westminster Abbey for three hours wearing the 39oz Imperial State Crown with its four rubies, 11 emeralds, 16 sapphires, 277 pearls and 2,783 diamonds. In such circumstances the crown was more in danger of toppling than her head. In a private ceremony hidden from the television cameras by a canopy, the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Geoffrey Fisher anointed the young Elizabeth’s head, breast and palms with oil while intoning the words: “As Solomon was anointed king by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet, so be thou anointed, blessed and consecrated Queen over the Peoples, whom the Lord thy God hath given thee to rule and govern.” Such time-honoured rituals amount to much more than mere pomp and ceremony and the Queen – a woman of faith – understood that more than most. She may or may not believe in the divine right of kings but she would certainly take seriously a promise made which invoked the support of the Almighty. The Queen would not be human, however, if she did not spare a thought for the position of her son and heir Charles. Kate Middleton had to wait so long for Prince William to pop the question that she became known as Waity Katie. In the same vein the Prince of Wales might be dubbed Chafing Charles. Now 66, he has spent his whole life preparing for a role that by the time it becomes his will find him entitled to a bus pass. And Charles is clearly conscious of it. In an unguarded moment two years ago he said: “I’ll run out of time soon. I shall have snuffed it if I’m not careful.” Unfortunately for the Prince the woman he has more than once referred to in public as “mummy” appears to put royal duty above maternal sentimentality. She has seen us through the cold war, the Suez crisis, the Cuban missile crisis, the Falklands war, the Gulf war and the Iraq war. Her dignity and discretion helped the monarchy survive the death of Princess Diana. And by maintaining a diplomatic silence over the threat of secession by Scotland she ensured that she would retain her authority over all the Union. During her reign 11 prime ministers have taken office, blossomed in power and then – as all political careers end in failure – resigned or been voted out. In the same period she has met 12 American presidents, charmed all of them and in doing so made an invaluable contribution to Britain punching above its weight on the world stage. On September 10 next year Queen Elizabeth II will have been on the throne for 63 years 217 days and – barring misfortune – will overtake Queen Victoria as the longest reigning British monarch. Victoria took the throne at the age of 18 and her son Edward VII succeeded her at the age of 59. Our present monarch became queen at 25 and her son could well be in his 70s when he takes over – that’s if he doesn’t predecease her. express.co.uk/news/royal/547728/The-Queen-job-life-look-back-Her-Majesty-vow-21st-birthday
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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