Why prayer is very important? Why God expect and need our prayer? - TopicsExpress


Why prayer is very important? Why God expect and need our prayer? Dont avoid to read. It will change your prayer life. kindly read with prayer. The holy spirit will guide you. Please read it share it. This will change the lots of people life. The Harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Mat 9:37-38) If you look at who is speaking these words, it is the Lord Himself. If we look at it in another light, it is the Lord of harvest Himself who is saying it. The Master knows that the harvest field needs laborers. Why not Just send them? Why must He tells the disciples, My harvest field needs laborers. You pray to Me so that I can send forth laborers. This is something strange. Men need to pray so that God can send forth laborers to work in His vineyard. This is just one example that shows that God, before He does anything, requires us to pray for it. Doubt may arise in our mind, Since He already knows all things, if He says that an earthquake is going to come, He Himself can stop it. Why does He need to ask us to pray to prevent it? Why is He troubling us? Many people may have questions like that. If we dont understand why this is necessary, then how can we pray accurately? In order to understand this issue, we have to go all the way to back to the days of Adam. When God made Lucifer, He made him as a mighty, great angel. He was a cherub. Isaiah chapter 14 and Ezekiel chapter 28 describe to us the pre-fallen state of Satan. The Lord loved him him very much. There was nothing hidden to him. God loved Lucifer like a father would love a son. God committed to Lucifer a lot of power and authority. He was an angel who stood before God to praise and worship God. There were millions of angels below him who were called to worship God. Suddenly evil thought came into his heart, Instead of worshiping God all the time, Why couldnt myself become god?. These kind of thought brooded in the heart of Lucifer. The Lord God knew and discerned it. The Lord then removed all the authority from the hands of Lucifer and cast him out of heaven,deprived of all authority. God desired to create someone else to fill the place lost by Lucifer. But now, God did not want to give all authority into the hands of someone He created. God desired to give him the authority of son ship. I want to commit all My love to him with such thoughts In mind God made men. But men also sin against God The Lord stripped them of the power and authority He had given to man. He also cast them out of His holy place (Gen 3:1-24). Satan was very happy. He was so happy that God had cast man out of the place that previously had been Satans. No one had the right to take his original place. But God made a plan to give His only begotten Son to whoever would believe in Him (Jn 3:16). God made a plan of salvation to redeem man. God sent His only begotten Son to this world. He shed His blood. He made a way for man to be redeemed and to be restored back to his original place. Satan came and stood before God and said, Man has committed the same sin which i committed. I committed sin because I desired to like God, and this man and this women also committed the same sin wanting be like God. So both of us have committed the same sin. How is it that You have made a plan of salvation for these people, but You did not make any plan for me to be redeemed? You are very unfair, God. Satan began to accuse God in this way. Satan Has one small glimmer of hope, Which is, if by chance he could find one small occasion to accuse God of being unjust, then that will disqualify God from judging anybody. He is looking for ways to accuse God of being unfair and unrighteous, all so that he could escape from being judged. God answered him, There is a difference between you committing a sin and falling and man committing a sin and falling. You have walked in the heavenly realms. You were anointed by Me. You tasted the good things of God. You received the authority to walk in all the secret places. You had access to know all things. All wisdom was give to you. There is no one in heaven to hindered your heart. There is no force to hindered your heart. You himself only thought wrong in your heart. But when man fell into sin, he did not even know the difference between good and evil. He did not know the fullness of heaven. He did not know the secrets of heaven. He was just a common gardener. He saw My face, thats all. He was not like you who walked in the secret places of Heaven. He did not know the difference between good and evil. Even though apart form this you hindered theirs heart. So therefore his punishment is lesser. God has a soft spot in his heart for man. Because of His soft nature and His soft soft for man, He will do something good for man. So whether God does anything good or permits anything evil to happen to man, Satan will use that as an occasion to accuse God. So Satan is always roaming around, looking for occasions to accuse us. That is how he found an occasion to accuse Job (Job 1:6-12, 2:1-7 Rev 12:10). Hes scrutinizing every grace that God extend to man. If God gives man any blessing without us asking for it, he immediately stands before God to accuse, This person did not as for such a grace, why are You giving it to them? why are You giving a blessing to him when he did not ask for it? See? You are unjust. If Satan can ever find an occasion to accuse God of being unjust, he can escape from the judgment that is to come upon him. Men began to sin against God on the earth. so God is compelled to judge them because of their sins. So for example, God may be compelled to bring about a great catastrophe upon a city because it is the punishment for the sins that a group of people in that city have committed. God is a righteous Judge. God say, Men should pray for men. I will keep those prayers in My hand. I will use them to save others. If ever Satan comes and tell Me, These people have committed so much sin; you must judge them; why is it that you have not judged these people?- at those moments, I will show Satan all the prayers that have been offered for those who have sinned and will say to him, Look at the prayers of all the people who have prayed for these people. The prayers of the saints for the people are more than the sins of the sinners. I am moved with compassion on account of those prayers. This is the reason why God needs our prayers- to shut the mouth of the accuser. If God ever does anything without our prayers, Satan will accuse God of being unjust. If God does something in answer to prayer, it is a righteous thing because in doing so God is fulfilling His own promise. God will fulfill the promise which says, And whatever you ask in My name, That i will do, that the Father may be glorified in the son (Jn 14:13). This is the reason why God needs our prayers-to shut the mouth of accuser. In order for God to do good things for you, He needs prayers. He need the authority that is released through our prayers. Without that authority, God cannot do good things for us because Satan is constantly watching us. Satan is watching whether God will do any undeserved favor for man. God may say to a city, According to My righteousness, judgement should come upon this city. A big earthquake is going to come this city. But there is no one to cry for this city. God is looking for one person who will pray (Ezek 22:30). It is necessary for that person to be a human being. Angels cannot pray for us. God cannot do a work of redemption based on the prayers of angels. The Lord says, Satan will accuse Me of being unrighteous. Only man can pray for man. I need the prayers of men. When i have the prayers of men in My hand, only then can I shut the mouth of Satan. Only then can i save men. I can then freely bless them with all the blessings that I want to give them. Therefore pray! There are some prayers that are very special. When we mix tears with our Prayers, those prayers became special and powerful.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:15:10 +0000

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