Why problems? ---Maria Fontaine When your life is burdened - TopicsExpress


Why problems? ---Maria Fontaine When your life is burdened with problems, it’s natural to wonder why. One reason for problems is that life itself is a constant struggle. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever your job, life, living on earth as a human being involves a lot of problems, period. And believe it or not, that’s God’s plan. It’s not that something goofed and the whole world went wrong, or God got it wrong. It’s His plan! Tests, trials, struggles and difficulties are all part of life. So that’s one of the main reasons why we have problems, and we’re always going to have problems. Sometimes the Lord allows problems as a time of spiritual testing to see if we’ve got what it takes to carry on, to make it to the next grade. Jesus said in prophecy: “It is with great compassion that I look upon you that cross the Jordan—the Jordan of affliction, the Jordan of forsaking, the Jordan of discouragement, the Jordan of defeat. For I understand the depths of the Jordan. And I understand the trying of men’s hearts, the depths of despair, discouragement, and desperation. My heart breaks for you, seeing you in your pain and in your struggle, and in the fire of testing, trying, and purging.—When you feel so hopeless, so lost, so forsaken, when you grasp with all your might and yet you feel as if there is nothing to grasp anymore. And now I say unto you, step into the water and walk through the depths, but know that I am there and that I will carry you through if your faith fails not.” You just can’t expect to get through the tests of life very easily. Anything that is important or valuable costs something. The Lord knows when you’re feeling at the end of your rope, and you’re questioning: “How can I go on? I feel so spent, so empty, so depleted of energy, strength, patience and love. How can I possibly go on?” Are you feeling that way? I’m so very sorry if you are and my heart goes out to you, but at least I hope it encourages you to know you’re not alone in facing such discouragement. We all face this at times throughout our lives. I hope it lifts your spirits to know the Lord understands what you’re going through. Sometimes we’re tempted to think, “How can we manage this? It’s just too much!” We can be comforted to know that the Lord allows this as part of His plan for us. He sometimes allows us to see the mountain ahead of us so we’ll come to the end of ourselves and say, “Lord, this is impossible! We know we can’t do it. Please do it through us, Lord.” If the problems were any smaller, and we thought we might be able to handle them, then we’d be tempted to try to do it in our own strength. Aren’t we all that way? It’s just human nature. But if it gets so difficult and so big, then we think, “Look, I can’t even begin this. I can’t even start to do this. It’s impossible!” That’s often the point at which we truly commit all things to Him.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 03:37:06 +0000

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