Why protein is necessary ???? There are two types of Protein. - TopicsExpress


Why protein is necessary ???? There are two types of Protein. 1.Plants protein which is called (incomplete protein source) like (oats_grains_ nuts).. 2.Animals protein which is called (complete protein source) like (chicken_Fish_turkey_meat).. You should mix both types of protein because your body need them both .. All types of proteins are break down into Amino Acids but there are three types of Amino Acids (leucine_valine_Isoleucine) your body cant manufactured itself so you need to take them from external source like BCAA ...... The benefits of Protein ??? 1.For growth and recovery .. 2.enhance your strength .. 3.building blocks and new muscles tissues .. 4.increases your muscles mass .. 5.raise your metabolism therefore improve digestive system so you can loss more fats .. 6.reduces muscle loss to your old tissues so will maintain your muscles mass .. 7.boosts the immune system .. why protein is necessary for building muscles ??? Because All nutrients contain Carbon ,Hydrogen , Oxygen except Protein Its contain Carbon ,Hydrogen , Oxygen In addition to The Nitrogen and Nitrogen is important element for muscles growth and recovery ..
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:17:11 +0000

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