Why reject Sufism- part Three Hadith he who knows himself, - TopicsExpress


Why reject Sufism- part Three Hadith he who knows himself, knows the Lord and HE was a hidden treasure and longed to be known! There remains a lot of controversy in such Hadiths claiming it not to be the words of the Holy Prophet ﷺ! The Truth in Sufism i.e. the inner dimension of Islam the core of comprehending the meaning of willful submission – Islam can never be devastated or impaired thru corroborating the above Hadith as weak for, Sufism remains the central and vital theme of the religion which is, Know HIM, comply and confirm, express and demonstrate conscious obedience to HIS Greatness ! The Guiding Quran itself leads the way with to quote a few We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (50:16) I am indeed close to the (2:186) Signs - As also, in your own selves: will you not then see? (51: 21) Indeed he succeeds who purifies his own self… (91:9) hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah (13:28) And those that strive in Our (cause), WE will certainly guide them to Our Paths (29:69) WE show them Our Signs, And in their souls (41:53) And above all intuitions and inspirations play a vigorous and dynamic role in building Sufism and inspirations is from HIM to those HE Wills and Guides Prophethood and Revelation has stopped but Sainthood and Inspiration which pursue till Yaumul Qiyamah…! Sufism concerns attaining the Truth of Allah Almighty and nothing else to be able to know the nature of the Self (Nafs) to know HIS Attributes - that is the nature of the Lord (Rabb), the nature of the King (Malik), the nature of ‘Allah’ in totality and to attain the level of union with the Divine (Marifat) and to be able to contemplate HIS System that is in force in every creation and to embrace limitless knowledge achieved through understanding the mechanism of Total Intellect (Aql-i Kul)! The blind rejecters of Sufism start off with Sufism is not part of Islam, coz, it was not prevalent during Prophets ﷺ time this will be followed by copy-pasting links (this copy-pasting links has decreased in recent times after this crowd of misguided group were labeled copy-paste group in fb) the agony is that, they copy- paste links which they themselves don’t understand Following this, when hadith are quoted to support Sufism they refute such hadith as weak/daeef and when further Quranic ayats of 38:73, 51: 21, 50:16, are quoted they disappear like morning mists which evaporate when the sun rises! The reason for their ignorance and unawareness is the lack of understanding of Islam in Totality. often the analogy of a garden remains a valid example they know how to identify trees, bushes, flowers and rivers but cannot conclude that the characteristics of a garden include all the above description! Human mind is like a computer which works only with installed software by ridding of the old and installing new ones. one becomes more conscious and aware of ones thoughts, beliefs and past experiences enabling a more capable level of choosing not to participate with the past influencing conscious mind but create a new reality which is parallel with your beliefs and desires in life! The knowledge of GOD cannot sink its roots into the being of man unless the soil of this being has been prepared for such a Divine plant by the fear of GOD and HIS Love. a love which spiritually accompanies knowledge! ‘Whoever purifies himself does so for the benefit of his own soul – and the destination is to Allah’ (35:18) this purification is not ablution! The servant most dearest to the Creator is he who does not seek HIM for fear of punishment or hope of reward, but pays the debt due to HIS Divine Status! The goal in Sufism is complete submission to Shariah and Sunnah in order to attain purification of the heart and soul and to develop a true, deep, and lasting connection with Allah Almighty! ‘Nothing is dearer to GOD than supplication, for it expresses the power of GOD and the impotence of the supplicant - Imam al-Ghazali (r)! When does one supplicate? When he realizes and accepts his inabilities and admits oneself as a slave and accepts HIM as the Lord. The Essence in Tauheed is not understanding but experiencing that understanding which makes you feel HIS Nearness - Qurb ! Understanding makes one a believer but knowing HIM makes you a Sufi - HIS Friend - Auliya Allah! and what is this experiencing practically mean an old man was assaulted by another for reason known only to the attacker, a passerby helped the old man, clean up his bruises and gave him some food and asked who was the one who assaulted him ! To his amazement, the old man replied. “it is he who feeds me, who hit me! As far as the old man - a mystic, is concerned, his state was the presence of Allah Almighty is there, wherever you turn (2:115)! This is termed practical experiencing of Tawhee! The core unawareness of zakir naik and his like.. remains their inability to comprehend Who Allah Almighty is they remain superficial scholars who cannot translate Al- Quran into the needs of the spiritual realm! If you believe (and make others belief) that HE is One Sitting up there on His Throne (Arsh) and releasing HIS Orders while watching and taking notes to judge us is sheer ignorance! Imam Abu Haniffa (r) has condemned as an infidel one who limits GOD in the upper direction or in the lower direction. Those who understand HIM never impose limits. HE is both Immanent and Transcendent! Asserting only the former – sitting on HIS Throne limits HIM for HIS Throne does extend over the Heavens and Earth (2:255)! Thus, being amongst zakir naik and his like display their ignorance of Reality including many who even hold sanad from Madrasah and still remain ‘illiterate’ on the Truth of Reality ! Wassalaam!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:03:10 +0000

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