Why republicans keep bringing up Martial Law?Here’s how it - TopicsExpress


Why republicans keep bringing up Martial Law?Here’s how it works: The governor, on his own initiative, can declare an economic emergency in any town and appoint an administrator. The administrator can be any person, including a corporate person. The administrator has the power to do anything in the name of economic stability, including void contracts, void collective bargaining agreements, dissolve the town council, dissolve the school board, fire anyone including elected officials, hire private security, unincorporate the town, and sell off public property. The people of the town have no say in this. They can neither demand nor turn away the administrator. That is because this provision is meant to be used against the people. What might constitute an emergency in the Governor’s eyes? A labor strike or too many foreclosures. Crime and civil unrest like Ferguson! In short, anything he wants it to be–and with billionaire backers, any controversy can be created and promoted by paying people to pose as agitators and turning peaceful protests violent. What might the Republican administrator do in that emergency? First, privatize everything. Fire public workers and take over all public functions–running schools, police and fire service, and so on. Cronies would take property much the same as Nazis took property from Jews during WWII Second, imprison dissidents, shutter businesses, and seize property by eminent domain. This is not legal, but hey, that didn’t stop the Wisconsin Republicans in 2011. In short, take over control and turn it into a corporate town. We need to pay attention to Michigan because they are farther along the road to corporate statehood–to where the Republicans want to take all of us.This will allow growth of the prison industry and criminalization of marijuana to get drug profits up again, Thats why drug cartels support conservatives, Remember Oliver North and Reagans drug deal sandinista fiasco? Other things you should know: –The outnumbered Democrats would try to add an amendment that the administrator’s could be paid no more than the governor, but that will be voted down . All the better to drain the public treasury. –Republicans would then vote to increase taxes on the poor and elderly. What little property they own will belong to the government soon. dont believe it? neither did Michigan in 2011 when it happened there! –Michigan voted to disallow charitable tax deductions for donations to universities. When universities depend more on public money, it is much easier for the government to control them. Universities liberalize people, so they must be changed. –Finally, people would leave urban neighborhoods in droves due to poor economy. Something Obama saved us from with the auto bailout–and it was hotly contested even by non-corporatists–if not for Obama there would be ghost towns all over the state of Michigan. As it is, there are large ghost neighborhoods. These empty public nuisances are ripe for corporate ownership.Many conservatives would have loved to see that happen and they tried by halting the senate! This is the Republicans’ end game: drain public entities of assets, privatize, turn what’s left over to corporations to run. In the running, they will use onerous taxation or find other ways to take away ownership of what is now privately held. Corporations will control the government, and between the two of them, they will own all property. And there will be nary a peep in the bulk of the media because the corporations control that too. Now you know the plan!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:12:33 +0000

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