Why should Muslims apologise for what the so-called terrorists - TopicsExpress


Why should Muslims apologise for what the so-called terrorists have done? Yes, this is a right question to ask. But more important and pertinent than that is why should Muslims be offended by those cartoons? So what if they drew those pictures? So what if they mocked and keep on mocking Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him)? So what??? Why should I or you or any Muslim get offended? We know its not the Prophet in those pictures. We know there isnt any picture or image of the Prophet in this world. Why should we react to such a mockery?! It is they, who are making a mockery of themselves. It is they who are making a mockery of freedom of expression. It is they who have misused the power of the pen. And it is they and their supporters who will pay the price of their actions on the Day of Resurrection. Mockery is not something to be taken seriously. It is just mockery. Its not a real thing. The Prophet himself never paid any attention to mockery. The polytheists of Makkah used to mock him by their poems. As a response to those taunts and insults, Hassan bin Thabith used to write poems in the defence of the Prophet by praising him in the most excellent manner possible. The Prophet was so happy with Hassan that he prayed for him saying that the Angel Gabriel will support you as long as you defend Allah and His Prophet. But neither the Prophet nor the Sahaba ever retaliated words with swords. It was not his Sunnah so to speak. Let alone himself, he didnt even retaliate to what the enemies of Islam said about his own beloved wife, our mother, Aisha. It was a great ordeal and challenge for the Prophet until the Divine injunction came down from Allah and cleared her name.The Prophet’s conduct and attitude proved beyond any doubt his moral purity, nobility, fairness, tolerance and forbearance. If he had wished, he could have punished the people responsible for the attack severely. But he bore everything with patience. Then what did the Prophet take offence to? The Prophet never got angry for anything personal. No matter what the enemies said about him, levelling false accusations against him, mocking him, he would always control himself, showing no sign of overreaction (in sharp contrast to what the Muslims do today). Indeed, he kept his cool in all situations. However, if some violation of the limits Allah has ordered to be observed, were to happen, then the Prophet would get extremely angry, and his anger showed on his face. You can see the difference very clearly. If the matter was personal, he would tolerate it without any difficulty. His self-control ensured that he would never overreact. Even his worst enemies knew about it. But he could not tolerate that what God has ordered should be deliberately violated. His anger in such situations was visible, but he still expressed himself in decent language, never allowing himself to utter a word that was unworthy of a messenger delivering Allah’s message to mankind. The bottom line is let us not take offence to any mockery of the Prophet or Islam. Rather, let us take offence to the violations we make of the commandments of Allah. Let us take offence to missing our prayers, not paying Zakath, not communicating the message of Allah to our fellow human beings. Let us take offence to the crimes committed by our non-elected, illegitimate kings and dictators against our own fellow Muslims. Let us take offence to our holiest sites, Makkah, Madina and Jerusalem being occupied by Al Saud and Al Yahud, and their oppression on the Muslims of Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Let us react strongly to the American led NATO interference in the Muslim countries, to their air strikes, to the death and displacement of our own fellow Muslim brothers and sisters and then their phoney aids. Let us take offence to the military coup of Sisi, the overthrowing of Morsi, the first democratically elected head of state in the history of Egypt and his subsequent arrest and the arrest of hundreds of members of Muslim Brotherhood. Let us be offended by the derailment of Arab Spring and the subsequent creation of ISIS and such other mercenary groups. Let us be offended by this demonic interest based economy which is primarily responsible for this never ending economic crisis and widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:08:29 +0000

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