Why should this country be in a perpetual election mode ? What - TopicsExpress


Why should this country be in a perpetual election mode ? What happens to the serious challenges confronting us as people ? Do our political leaders who have created this mess really care and have us at heart ? I dont think so. This is how politics works in Ghana ? Its a perpetual 4yr activation mode whereby the winning party pretends to be managing the affairs of the state whiles trying to amass the greatest resource towards the next election ( remember the 10% of contract sums and award of contracts to party faithfuls who will in turn have the resource to fund their parties. If it were not so they would not be broke when the go into opposition. In any case have you seen the accounts of any of the parties and their source of funding ? ) On the othe hand the losing party which is supposed to serve as a serious check on the ruling party and provide us with credible alternatives is even lost. They have a mindset of just doing empty criticisms and a demeanour that seems to me that they want the ruling party to fail as much as possible and hence rejoice in the face of that. Serious political parties who really have the people at heart would first of all have the success of this country first of all no matter the party in power. Just imagine the recent debate on the so called free SHS. Immediately the President made the mentioned that in the SON address then the debate started not on the credibility of that policy, how it will work or be funded but rather it was about who said it first and who stole whose idea. Yes thats how low our politics and governance has sunk. As for those get the microphone to speak as the so called party communicators who claim to speak these issues, the least said about them the better. They think just shouting and spewing insults is all there is to party politics. The intellectual capabilities of some of them to understand and analyze the issues of national interest leaves much to be desired (this may sound harsh but I said as it is) As for our so called representatives (MPs).... I indeed concur with those who are of the view that our current parliament especially over the past 8yrs has failed us big time and the earlier we rise up to do something about the kind of people we send there the better. As for the opposition parties please we need real and credible alternatives to the mess we find ourselves. As one politician says the era of the tsooboi politics is over.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:05:04 +0000

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