Why should we take care of any of them at all, it is because - TopicsExpress


Why should we take care of any of them at all, it is because complacency inner government are simply purpose intentions, this is the demographic change that I have spoke of the other day. If you have Up with my post, this woman is an idiot. She cannot take care of American people. What makes you think she will bring in refugees as they wish to classify them, which plain and simple. They are illegally entered the United States, no refugee status, and she should be tried for treason, treason against the American people and no one will push this especially our representatives that has sworn to protect the people in the Constitution. What a fraud right in our faces, and still American people will grovel at her feet, hoping to get a taste a crumble of belief that she actually cares about someone else, it is my believe she cares about no one but herself along with many others that supposedly are, protecting the American interest, sworn in by the Constitution in one hand and pissing on it in another, as the American people, we must recognize the criminality that is threatening our sovereignty and the United States of America are it will simply cease to exist, destroyed by the inner to the outer would purpose intentions of global governance mentality, we are in some deep shit, and the American people better recognize all the efforts over all the years and over all the soldiers that have died to protect this nation will truly truly be in vain, simply a damn disgrace, Mike
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:28:46 +0000

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