Why start a mess and run away like a coward when it’s time to - TopicsExpress


Why start a mess and run away like a coward when it’s time to face the music??? Why start a war you are unable to stand against? Why become the devil’s advocate when in the end you have nothing of value to show for it? I have learnt how to stand strong and deal with issues in a diplomatic way. Being diplomatic is also sometimes referred to as keeping your opinions to yourself or being a people-pleaser. Diplomacy doesn’t necessarily mean not voicing your opinions or making yourself heard. Contradictory to popular belief, diplomacy involves maturity and composure. It is the time when you take a step back to think and evaluate your actions pertaining to a situation beforehand. I really had to blog about this because sometimes I am not sure what the hell some people are thinking, when they practically lash-out at someone with a situation that leaves them astonished (Shaking my head). Wow!! Some people really have the nerve. So…today, I was caught off guard with a situation. At first, I was so mad that I got an instant headache and knew I was in some childish game. The matter at hand wasn’t even that serious… meaning it was clearly a non-factor to be taken to the level that it got to. Now this situation left me thinking how some people just have too much time on their hands to waste to the point where they must find something to amuse themselves at the cost of hurting others. Now this is how you know that the devil and his co-worker are really at work. I can be an emotional person… depending on the situation, but lately I have decided to be more mature on how I deal with people and issues in my life. I have come to the realization that in this life it is not every battle one needs to fight and that some fights are better left alone because it will be a waste of your time and valuable energy…especially when you know the person looking for the fight is an attention- grabbing whore and looking for some spot light on their ass. When the mess went down yesterday, I felt so reserved, that all I wanted to do was to sit down in a corner and place my head in my lap and cry. I was so pissed off and confused at the whole situation. Once again, I have been let down. Not that I am at all surprised by the person who let me down, but rather surprised at myself for believing that this person will actually deliver on their word. Shame on me for being such a fool once again (in my African ascent). I don’t blame them but I blame myself. I promise myself, this time will be the last time for me to put any trust or faith in that person again. Throughout this morning, something became very clear to me. It was a phone conversation I had with one of my male cousins the day before. I said to him for some funny reason no matter what trial comes my way, I find myself not obsessing over it. It’s as if, I have found some form of inner peace. His response to me was: “for anyone to reach the level of self-bliss or be at peace with them self means that the persons’ heart and mind had to have reached a point where they can collaborate as one or compromise.” At first I was puzzled, but thought about it for a second and it made total sense because it was the truth. I recognize that people cannot break me anymore because I am at peace with myself. When you carry a clear conscience, you need not have anything to fear or lose sleep over. So to the devil and his co workers all I can say is: ‘keep living in misery because you can try but you will never, ever succeed at breaking good people down. Seriously, how ironic it is that the people who are always complaining about hurting are the ones that are always pursuing drama. I tell you…sometime in life, it best to give people enough rope so that they can hang themselves. The fact remains that…. YES, some people are born lucky but one day that luck will run out. A word to the fool ” When a lion walk away from a fight , it’s not because he is weak …but rather he saw the fight wasn’t fit enough for a king like him to waste his energy over.” Be careful of the things you ask for in life because one day you just will be lucky enough to receive it.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:48:36 +0000

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