Why the Oedipus Complex is Bad for the Economy I watched the - TopicsExpress


Why the Oedipus Complex is Bad for the Economy I watched the constellations spread across the sky Which only left my sight when morning approached. No different than the homeless scum searching for Corn chips in the cracks of the city lit asphalt. I strolled back into my house, to entertain My guest some more with my presence. We drank Earl Grey tea and nibbled upon some Biscotti like well-groomed rodents. His eyes lingered upon the patch of hair that I Missed when shaving earlier and was unbothered with. “I have a question to ask—one of mild importance.” “Then ask.” I responded with casual irritation, Like a melody well played past its note’s span. “What is your honest opinion on a man Who suffers from having an Oedipus complex?” I sat my cup of tea down on the glass table. “Clearly, he should be shun by society.” I answered, pressing my cup back to my lips. I see…” He began. “Then, the Oedipus complex Is a classical division of the structure of society— Something, which distorts the fabric of the housing unit?” “No. What I mean is, the Oedipus complex Is bad for the economy—one of the worst complexes To have in terms of an economic perspective, in my opinion. You see, when one chooses to develop A relationship with their mother, we can assume that All the financial romance is sucked out of the Relationship, leaving no need to buy the woman’s affection. Nevertheless, let us assume this relationship still maintains Some shallow need to express affection through tangible objects. There is just no learning curve when it comes to this action! I mean, why the hell would there HAVE to be a learning curve?? Afterall, this is a woman that the man spent nine months in. Surely, he must know everything when it comes to Her material interests. Businesses suffer because of that—no diversity in the paradigm. Now, speaking of diversity, let us talk of race and culture. Since it’s mother and son, we can strongly assume That both partners share the same cultural heritage. You see the ideal relationship for the economy Is an interracial couple that will surely practice The art of cultural diffusion when trying to achieve In the completed courtship of one another. As such, an Oedipus complex is a terrible Complex when viewing it from the economic scope of society. And while some may argue that an Oedipus complex Is ideal for the economic well-being of the individual— Afterall, why waste money on a woman whose womb You called residence for nine months— I strongly disagree due to the simple fact that There doesn’t exist a second family to provide financial stability To the first family in case one of them dies—or vice versa. As such.” I drew in a sip of tea before closing my argument. These are just some of the few reasons as to why An Oedipus complex would be very crippling to the Economy.” My guest was speechless—staring at me for the longest time. “That is an interesting notion and all, but what of morality?”
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:55:14 +0000

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