Why the PRISIM program is dangerous and why we have to act - TopicsExpress


Why the PRISIM program is dangerous and why we have to act now. 1. They track every call made everywhere 2. They track your location not only when the call is made, but constantly as the mobile phone is updated. 3. They track every purchase made with debit or credit cards, or gift cards that can in any way be electronically traced to you. (and that is just about everything. 4. They track every cash withdrawal and where it was made, along with every check cashed tat was made out to you where such information might be entered into “the system” 5. They track your library surfing and checkouts. (at most major library networks) 6. They cookie track more the sixty-million users in the united states and use the MAC address on your computes, along with the chip ID of the CPU to track where you go and what you do. 7. There are other data sources as well that might be less well-known All of this data is claimed to be simply stored, IT IS NOT! The data is filtered and tracked by computer programs and algorithms designed to search out patterns. The power of computer processing has become so strong and data search technology so good (and getting better) that simply typing your name into the system and a few choices such as Social Security # or phone #, a completed and detailed history of you will be spit out. BUT MORE than a history of what you have done, there will also be further data made available, including a list of probabilities of what religion you are, what political party, are you Gay Straight, Poly; predictors on what your hobbies are, who you know, weather you are married, how many kids, what your friends are doing, and complete personality profiling. This is very dangerous. Stalin would have butchered 20 million people to have this type of information, (oh wait he did) as would the Stasi East German secret police. The Chinese governments that filters the internet and suppresses dissent are envious of our program and building their own. When Benjamin Franklin said “Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY.” It is better to stop this now, then be forced to arm ourselves and take back our liberties and freedom at a greater price in the not too distant future. The NSA of today and the CIA of today are corrupt as the government. While the Republicans’ try to placate the rich and the Democrats’ pander to the poor, BOTH parties are gathering power unto the government to ensure “Themselves” of power in the future. It has to stop. The Gimmies of the Rich must be made less godlike in power, and the Gimmies of the working class and poor less reliant on the handouts. How do we do this? I do not know all the answers, but I know a way to start. 1. Stop these programs, 2. Demand that a constitutional amendment be enacted that “Corporations are not people” 3. Cut the disparity of wealth and pay in this country by limiting the maximum amount of wages to the very wealthy and the very poor. Not only a minimum wage, but a maximum wage and tie it to a “realistic” inflationary measure. 4. Criminally prosecute to the greatest extent of the law all financial crimes that impact hundreds of even millions of us. 5. Make time served in prison actually serving time. “No Club Fed” no private prisons. 6. Absolutely get private money out of jails. If it is financially advantageous to have people in prison, those that depend on that income will find a way to keep people in prison and put innocent people in to prison. There are other things we could do, many others. But we need to start or there will be a civil war. If we won’t change it, I would rather get it over with sooner rather than wait for 1984 to be completely installed. The reason it has not been installed, is because there are still a few people brave enough in government and the security services to stand up and risk their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. When they have been purged and silenced, then so shall we all…..
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 20:23:54 +0000

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