Why the Republicans Won Three factors were involved. First, - TopicsExpress


Why the Republicans Won Three factors were involved. First, there was low voter turn-out. Too many Americans figured that no matter what happened, government gridlock would continue. Secondly and related, many voters disliked both parties and their candidates and so they decided not to vote. Voters have great distain for both parties. They recognize our representatives are on the take and serve special interests and not the public interest. Finally, the states with mid-term elections were mostly red states where republicans were favored to win anyway. I foresaw the first two but foolishly overlooked the obvious latter point. Issues that mattered most were two. Three quarters of those who voted were unhappy with Obama and congress because they felt the economy is getting worse. They are wrong. The economy is improving markedly, but the problem is all the gains and then some are going to the top income brackets and the middle and lower classes are losing ground a bit. Voters just dont understand this income distribution problem and see it only from their vantage point. Secondly, two thirds said Obamacare went too far and, more generally seven in 10 felt government is doing too many things that should be left to business. They are wrong there tot and reflect the effects of the propaganda campaign of the last forty plus years of the Koch brothers and their friends. This is a matter I will take up in another post, but suffice here it to say business wont protect the environment on its own or regulate its own behavior as the 2008 crash taught us or solve the problem that Americans pay double for heath care and get far worse results in most areas. Business is the problem, not the solution. Lastly, a quick glance at a map shows that most states with mid-term elections were red states where it is expected that Republicans will fare better. Not all, but most. That is what happened. On balance though, on the issues, the electorate understands too little about the economy and the income distribution problem and about the need for government to monitor and supplement the private sector. The hatchet approach to smaller government from the Koch propaganda is a disaster in the making. The goal should be better government, not smaller government.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:57:03 +0000

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