Why the Ruling Class is So Upset About Edward Snowden “The - TopicsExpress


Why the Ruling Class is So Upset About Edward Snowden “The Damage to Our Intelligence is Gut-Wrenching to See” Why the Ruling Class is So Upset About Edward Snowden by GARY LEUPP CounterPunch June 26, 2013 EXCERPT... It all, in my humble opinion, boils down to this. The entirety of the ruling elite and the journalistic establishment are keen on defending the programs Snowden has exposed; keen on punishing him for his whistle-blowing; determined to vilify him as a punk, narcissist, egoist, attention-hungry ne’er-do-well (anything but a thoughtful man who made a moral choice that has enlightened people about the character of the U.S. government); feverishly working on damage control while anticipating more damning revelations; and determined to get those four laptops with their incriminating content back into the bosom of the national security state. What sort of state is it, that says to its own people, we can invade a country based on lies, kill a million people, hold nobody accountable but hey, when one of us does something so abominable as to reveal that the state spies constantly on the people of the world, we have to have a “manhunt” for him and punish him for treason? The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, has the audacity to tell NBC News, “It is literally gut-wrenching to see” Snowden’s revelations… because of the “damage” they do to “our intelligence capabilities”! As though there were really an “our” or “us” at this point. As though we were a nation united, including the mindful watchers and the grateful watched. No, there are us, and there are them. The tiny power elite that controls the mainstream press and cable channels, the corporations that dutifully hand over meta-data to the state (and then deny doing so to allay consumer outrage), the twin political parties, are sick to their stomachs that they’ve been so exposed. CONTINUED... counterpunch.org/2013/06/26/why-the-ruling-class-is-so-upset-about-edward-snowden/
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 17:14:19 +0000

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