Why the rich are rich......... Wealth-creation and money are - TopicsExpress


Why the rich are rich......... Wealth-creation and money are important subjects Ive been studying for some time now. Look what Ive found!..... The middle class (which is now shrinking) and the poor have a penchant for one thing- SECURITY. They love job security and for the middle class they only understand the language of savings because they feel its entirely risk-free. The rich however play by the C.L.O Card. -Control -Leverage -Ownership They elevate risk over security and thats why many of them are entrepreneurs. The top ten richest people in the world are all business owners and investors.... In my country Nigeria the top 5 billionaires I studied were business owners and investors, what Robert Kiyosaki described as the B & I Quadrants in the cash flow quadrant. But are the rich risk-loving?...By no means!!.. Entrepreneurs and by extension the rich, are not risk-loving rather they are risk-tolerant... They are willing to take risks but only calculated risks. The rich love control and ownership hence their penchant to establish businesses.They love and understand leverage hence they are accustomed with OPM and OPT (Other Peoples Money & Other Peoples Talents). The only difference between the rich and the rest of us is just a habit theyve cultivated over time and practised over and over again that its become part of them.....They have a daring spirit.They try, try and try and if it didnt work out, well they try again...They dont live below their known true potential.To them thats mediocrity... They take risks!!. A pyramid that depicts the hierarchy of needs of every human being has been accredited to Abraham Maslow. In that pyramid ,the celebrated American psychologist posited that mans most basic need is physiological (food, water shelter, etc).Mans 2nd most basic need is safety and security (its only human to love security after all).......But this is where many of get stuck in life.We are overwhelmed with our needs at this level that we tend to become stagnant.. We become comfortable and complacent once our safety and security is ensured. Here we practically live to secure our employment and our resources....... The rich yearn for more than security.They have a higher need which is self actualization. This represents the pinnacle of mans needs according to Abraham Maslow......Little wonder they are at the top of the food chain . This means that a lot of give us give in and give up too early in life and we wallow much too long in our comfort zones.....The rich have higher standards they aspire to. When I say the rich, I speak of those that made their fortune through diligence and smartness... A man who propounded 1000 laws of success when interviewed said ,the most important of them all is to study the experts....... Well Id say if you wanna be rich, study the rich!!....Except of course you dont wanna be........And uh! we surely cant make a good team. #Beinspired
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:40:36 +0000

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