Why they play. As fans for that brief time each week when others - TopicsExpress


Why they play. As fans for that brief time each week when others take punishmen for our entertainment we well may ask “why do they do it”? Athletes in any sport where “collision” is the operative word participate for different reasons. Opportunity, a second chance or just for the sheer joy of playing. That still doesn’t explain why a player suffers injuries conducive to a car accident and wants to go back and plays on the “highway” again.Foe me,the “why” is expressed definitively by Morgan Freeman as Eddie Dupris in the movie “Million Dollar Baby”. Dupris is the boxing trainer of Hillary Swank, who is attempting to win a title. He explains why it was so important to him to have been a boxer, when he says “If there is magic in boxing, it’s the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It’s the magic of risking everything just for a dream that nobody ever really sees but you”. Tom Keneally says the same in “One More Walk” Broughto
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 04:16:23 +0000

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