Why true democracy? True democracy is complete democracy with - TopicsExpress


Why true democracy? True democracy is complete democracy with full representation of the people. It is not a system of token representation where the process is watered down to the point that it becomes corruptible. For far too long we have been told that we are not informed enough, not educated enough and pretty much too stupid to make decisions for ourselves. All the while the officials we elect do as they please and vote for what ever benefits them and the ultra elite they represent. To a degree, we let this happen. We hand all our responsibilities over to someone else and then blame them and criticise them when things don’t go the way we want them to. This lazy, apathetic attitude to what is essentially 100% “all of our responsibility” is the primary course of the current scenario we are in. We let it happen through apathy and laziness and it is grasped with both hands and taken from us through greed. We are told repeatedly what a wonderful fair system we have and it is spoken about in a way that assumes that it is the best we can offer and that it has come about through painstakingly striving for the best system. The truth of the matter is in fact far from this. In reality this 2 party elected official system has been cleverly devised, has evolved with corruptibility in mind and has been painstakingly maintained for the betterment of a few. You think about it. Are the two main parties in your country really that different? It doesn’t matter which party gets in, things still stay pretty much the same. The big questions never get asked. The changes necessary for us to even survive on this planet longer than a few generations simply don’t happen. It’s simply “Business as usual for the big end of town at the expense of everything else.” Our treatment of this beautiful planet can only be described as insanity. What creature in their right mind would want to destroy that which gives it life so graciously to begin with? If we don’t make the changes necessary for life on this planet right now, then when will we? We can’t afford to just leave it to the politicians and hope someday that there will be one honest enough to make the right choices. This simply means we need to do it ourselves. And change the structure of decision making so as to allow the average person, who does have a conscience, the right to vote for their future. For this to be possible, we need to change the structure of law making so as to give more responsibility to the whole population. If a system like True democracy were in place big questions like. “Should we mine uranium and use nuclear energy?” could be put forward and a decision based on common sense and not on invested interest would be made, Thus giving the majority of people the most logical outcome. Simply put, to get the results that our earth and we deserve, we need to be making the decisions ourselves. We’ve had it so drummed into us that “this system can’t be any other way”, that we have lost the ability to reason and imagine that it could be better. We need to let go of our preconceived ideas regarding democracy and view it from a problem/ solution standpoint. Problem= misrepresentation and corruption. Solution= self-representation. In theory politicians are only there to represent their constituents. This is You. You are the people. By law, you are the beneficiary to all natural wealth and you are the sovereign souls born to this land. You have the power. Don’t ever forget this. If these natural rights are not recognised in society then we are living under fascist rule and a police state. It’s that simple. In theory we only elect these officials to represent us and take care of the day-to-day running of things. In reality they make a mockery of the arrangement and a mockery of us, the people, who essentially have the power to hire and fire them. Quite simply put, the solution is to fire them. Get rid of them all together and reinstate a system of referendum based law making. This may sound drastic, but when you really think about it, all you are changing is the way the laws are voted for. Everything else stays the same. We still need government departments and public servants to implement our policies and carry out day-to-day duties. Nothing would change in this regard. By cutting out the very inefficient middleman, you cut straight to the chase and get the hard decisions made and the job done. You remove all the two faced theatrical nonsense that happens in parliament. You remove all the shady back room deals. You remove the lobby-based system where only the wealthiest voices are heard. You remove the 2 party system that always delivers for the big end of town. And you remove a system that is only concerned with issues that are relevant to the 3 to 6-year election cycle. Currently, any longer term issues are simply not being addressed. In its place, you create a system that promotes the ideas and values of all the people. You have a population that is empowered by the process of self-determination and empowered by the possibility of what could be. You have decisions being made with a long-term outlook and with future generations in mind. People would have a sense of ownership and pride in their system. This can only lead to a more productive society that truly gives a dam. People will finally be able to create their own society. People, who would have otherwise been disenfranchised by the old system and whose ideas would have never seen the light of day, can be given a voice and have the merits of their ideas voted on for all to see. The True democracy system, by its very nature, will be inclusive of all people and all ideas and wont be dominated by who ever has the most money and influence. . These new freedoms of expression for new ideas can only spawn and give rise to more and more creativity and ever more advanced ideas and technology. Technology that was otherwise suppressed because it didn’t suit a fossil fuel economy will have their time in the light. With a True Democracy system, women, who have readily or too easily had their views, ideas and voting rights supressed by a more aggressive male elite will now make up approximately 50% of the voting population. This has a massive impact on the decision making process within a society. The decisions that are made will have the interests of women at heart and will reflect the needs of women. With women having such a large proportion of the vote, it could be imagined that wars and other violent behaviour, would be less likely to be pursued and could simply not obtain enough votes to happen. It is simply not in the best interests of women to have a war, especially Mothers. This can only lead to a more peaceful, stable and compassionate society for all. The idea that we are doomed to fail or that life will collapse unless we have the guiding hand of the wiser more knowledgeable politicians is the biggest fallacy ever promoted. This notion ignores the fact that we all have something to offer the world and it is all of us, as a whole, that make the glue that binds our society. It is the day-to-day people, the mums and dads, the farmers, the trade’s people, the nurses and doctors, the cooks and the cleaners that make our society function. These are the people performing the vital tasks. Take politicians out of the equation and nothing needs to change. The vital people are still there and the glue of society will always bind. This glue will always bind because we the people created it. In reality politicians take far more than they give. They stifle debate and distract us with child like, ‘he said- she said’ name-calling and staged dramas all the while ripping us off with laws that we never hear about. They give lip service to our true needs and desires but do whatever benefits them. We need to ask ourselves the questions. What purpose are they actually serving? How are they helping us? And are we better off without them? Its only when we move beyond the paralysing fear of the unknown and embrace it, that we can really move on and live out our true lives. We are often presented with opportunities that will bring us more joy, deeper satisfaction, stronger relationships and a new experience. It is only Fear of the unknown that stops us taking the first step. When we do take that first step, experiencing the fear and courageously standing in our vulnerability, we give ourselves over to the full experience of being human. You not only get the satisfaction of overcoming the fear, but the full reward of the outcome and the experience itself. This process is not about pointing the finger at politicians, telling them how bad they are and highlighting what they have done wrong. It is about reclaiming what has always been ours. Freedom is our ‘birth-right’, whether it is personal or as a collective. Don’t ever forget this. Are you ready to be counted and be part of a movement that will herald a golden age of freedom and expression for all?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:39:31 +0000

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