Why two sincere Christians can have opposing views on FREEDOM the - TopicsExpress


Why two sincere Christians can have opposing views on FREEDOM the same music Two Christians may listen to a contemporary rock song and give totally opposite evaluations of it. One will say, "I know that song is wrong because it causes me to be rebellious and sensual." The other Christian may say, "I don’t see anything wrong with that music. It doesn’t stir up any rebellion or sensuality in me." Their viewpoints are illustrated in the chart "The Development of Concupiscence" given in the Basic Youth Conflicts Seminar. Music that becomes sensual will follow the stages leading to reprobation. Therefore, if two Christians are on different levels in the development of reprobation, they will see the same music from two different viewpoints. The Christian who has not given way to various sensual sins will recognize this music as a temptation to compromise in sensuality. Those who have engaged in sensual activities will probably not be stirred up by this music. Their previous sensuality has dulled their senses, and they are tempted only by a more radical expression of the "rock beat." Christian #1 will tend to view "Christian rock" as a temptation, whereas Christian #2 will see it as a mild expression of his musical taste. In the early Church, Christians vehemently debated the matter of eating meat that had been offered to idols. Some Christians felt that it was wrong to eat this meat because it had been offered to an idol. Other Christians saw no problem with the meat since it was sold in the open market. Paul pointed out that there was nothing intrinsically wrong with the meat, yet because it was offending other Christians it should not be eaten. Therefore, the Holy Spirit and the early Church leaders unanimously condemned the eating of this meat because it caused weaker brothers to stumble. They commanded both Jewish and Gentile believers not to eat it. (See Acts 15:28-29.) In the book of Revelation, two churches were rebuked because they had believers in them who were encouraging Christians to eat meat offered to idols. (See Revelation 2:14,20.) If the meat offered to idols was condemned when it had nothing wrong with it, how much more should the "rock beat" be condemned in our churches, based on the following Scripture: "But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died" (Romans 14:15).
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 21:11:07 +0000

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