Why we dare lie?! Youcef Benbiga When you dare lie to - TopicsExpress


Why we dare lie?! Youcef Benbiga When you dare lie to explain trivial matters, it may, strictly speaking, be tolerated and go unnoticed. But when the lie is transformed into the project for the Nation, no sane person can accept. What happens today on the political level, especially since the beginning of the campaign, where the fourth term loudmouths boast stability enjoyed by Algeria since the advent of the reign of Bouteflika, this is a big lie. They engage in all kinds of shenanigans, extortion and coercion at the Algerian people called to choose between Bouteflika and chaos. Those leading the campaign, are silent on corruption, injustice and loudly proclaim that any change would be a disaster for Algeria and its people. At the same time, they fail to say that truth is reflected in figures and not in rhetoric, sermons and political heresy. Should we now say that all the evidence is there to prove that Algeria has not known stability over the past fifteen years? It is also evident that no stability is possible if things continue this way, especially since the rising mobilization Anti-fourth term amplification of despair and frustration in many quarters. In addition, demonstrations and protest movements reached a record level since 2011 when all the people involved in demands for change and improvement of living conditions and respect for the dignity and rights of the citizen. Supporters insist fourth term glorify Bouteflika and present as a symbol of stability despite its impotence. It is now our duty to expose the lies and tricks of alleged stability of the fourth term the protagonists trying to sell us by claiming that we enjoy for fifteen years. Yes, there is a stable, but with a different color and taste. It is the stability in the chaos and corruption. It is the stability in the plunder and oppression, in the restriction of freedoms, stability in the unemployment rate continues to rise and inflation. What do you mean by stability? Is it declining revenues? Is this the curse strikes Ghardaia? Is this supposed security or sedition among the children of the same country? What is the situation in Kabylia and fragmentation since 2001 can be called stable? And to return to what is happening these days, can we call stability, repeated men Bouteflika who insult the people slip? Or, is this a new project sedition formal? Today, there is no room for doubt, we live the stability of mediocrity and political nonsense. A pseudo stability that nurtured a greed for power in the President and his miserable clan. Execrable, they are by their actions that precipitated the planned destruction of institutions, and a desired among citizens by the fact that a group of politicians who lack common sense, discernment and national consciousness frustration. Every one agrees qualify morons who excel in the art of insulting people and denigrate without any consideration for him, using adulation and bow to the President. Us, we are located in a newspaper where vice and crime have become a normal social behavior. Daily where everything can be bought, even the consciousness of people, and where the honest and righteous men insulted. Us, we are installed in an outdated by political chaos. A policy that has destroyed everything without building up, we settled in freedom of expression transformed into blasphemy and apostasy against the officer. Us, we are located in a reality where the president has failed when he was on his feet and wants to destroy that Algeria is now impotent. Us, we installed and we remain in a situation where our President bring us peace, not by its decisions, but by his entourage, and you can imagine the stability in a country where power is exercised by proxy, of an environment like this that makes the move politics today. Yes, it is the stability of a freedom of expression and press a partisan who excels in the art of please his master and does not hesitate to bend to please him. It is the stability of some private TV channels, for which the disorder is a principle and a legal vacuum base. Chains that are feasted by dividing the Algerians, using sound and image media as methodology for blackmail and extortion. Yes, it is the stability and continuity of bargaining and intimidation against anyone who dares to raise his head to scream loud and denounce injustices. Yes, it is stability in the corruption and power of the holders of money and wealth acquired, or rather looted in full sight of all. Yes, we feel the smell of dirty money in each institution and each project. Successive disasters and scandals are part of everyday life beginning with Sonatrach case and the East-West Highway renamed by the Algerians, the flight-looting highway, and thus for all other sectors, education, transportation, and health services. It is the stability of the brain drain that cost billions to the state to foreign countries are reaping the fruits. It is the stability of the phenomenon of Harga among young people with 520 candidates for illegal immigration who perished at sea since 2006. This is the 60,000 drug users in schools, this frightening figure and gives chilling. This is the one, the stability they proclaim. It is the stability of fear and alerts on our eastern borders with our neighbors Tunisia and Libya. It is the constant threat of terrorism on our southern border with Mali, is the stability of the obstruction with Morocco, and contempt for France and incessant blackmail. The most laughable, or should I say, the more alarming? Is to say that the campaign slogan Bouteflika for fourth term is the fight against corruption ... This is a grotesque contradiction. If stability there, Mr. Chairman and members of his entourage, how to explain the resurgence of corruption so unprecedented in recent years? Corruption, bribery, nepotism, favoritism can not exist in a state of law. They grow and develop only in the chaos, instability and anarchy that are installed for 15 years. Today, it is the rule of chkara and haggling beggaras. The practice of politics has turned into purse or whoever the short arm and for whom money is flowing can buy a seat in Parliament. How conscious he President may allow corruption gangréner institutions of the state for years, then apply for a further period of five years and then want to stop it? Will he hang Khalifa who was born and grew up under his reign? Will he order the execution of Chakib Khelil at the Place des Martyrs to prove his good faith! This is the biggest masquerades. It is the destruction and not stability. The achievements of States can not be measured only in dollars and dinars, or by the number of kilometers of the East-West or workstations available, or by units completed. Achievements of a State measure by its ability to educate its people and train his men on intellectual and scientific bases, and especially to inculcate moral values of the supremacy of laws and principles, that of mutual respect between citizens and officials. Bouteflika! None of this was done during your three previous mandates, and will not happen if you were to get a fourth. The company is still fragile and needs a real building on actual basis and not on political lies and partisan as practiced by your supporters who want to keep you in power to ensure stability and sustainability propaganda. If your state was stable, O Bouteflika! Political, economic and social scandals we have experienced would never have existed. You have not understood stability, Mr. President and nobody understands this stability you mention, we do not understand the stability of an absent State, which had the name of State in the reign Bouteflika. If stability is ephemeral, the state and will also eventually no longer exist. [email protected] [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:31:11 +0000

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