Why we dont allow private placements on our page, in our group or - TopicsExpress


Why we dont allow private placements on our page, in our group or on our website forum: 1. the big one? LIABILITY. Person makes a plea on our page for someone to adopt their companion. Person swears their dog is adorable, sweet and loving and gentle and kind. Person forgot to mention that dog bit the neighbor and AC is coming to take the dog if they dont dispose of it ASAP. Super Adopter takes the dog and adds it to their family. Dog mauls Super Adopters kid. Placement was thru our page. We get sued along with everyone else. Sorry, Danes arent like little fru-fru doggies where if you get nipped its nothing more than a paper cut. A dane has the potential to cause great damage and even death. Now, is my example extreme? Probably......but never say never. Ive heard injuries happening plenty of times before from unscreened adoptions. Never mind the BYBers that use this ploy to get rid of unwanted dogs, scammer who want to get your money, and on and on. I dont know about everyone else, but Im not willing to put my ass (nor Pauls) on the line for some person who wants to dump their dane. Why do we recommend going to REPUTABLE rescue to place your dane? (and dont send me hate mail because I delete it and it doesnt get read anyway) Honestly, its because you dont know what the hell youre doing when placing an animal. FB/Craigslist and all those other ad joints are the last place to go for trying to find a good home for your pet. Rescues go out and open their homes for that LOVED and ADORED pet that YOU just cant stand having in your house one more day. That companion that you didnt realize would eat so much and need so much training and is now a raving lunatic. That family member that you didnt consider would ever get sick and now you dont have the money to bring it to the vet but SOMEONE needs to save them. Also, while some of you are complaining that rescue isnt beating down your door to give you a dog, these rescue people are in the trenches daily, training the untrained, vetting the unvetted, feeding the unfed. These folks in rescue evaluate the dogs as much as possible to match the right dog with the right family so its a forever match. Sorry you couldnt adopt for whatever the reason. Get over it. No need to slam every rescue because you didnt get a dog. Perhaps volunteer for them for a year. I have no doubt youll change your tune. Its not about you, folks. Its about assuring the dog is safe, and will be taken care of and is loved. So next time someone wants to make a stink that we dont allow any Tom, Joe or Harry try to dump their dog on our site, remember what I wrote above. Oh, and Im sure this will get the usual amount of Im leaving this page posts. Just do us a favor......go quietly. You dont even need to tell us youre going. Just unlike the page.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:50:55 +0000

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