Why we travel through Fort Frances and not through Dryden: During - TopicsExpress


Why we travel through Fort Frances and not through Dryden: During my solo trip back from BC several years ago, the one in which I drove from Swift Current Sask. to Dryden Ont. in one day, I was forced to spend a second night sleeping in the back of the van because every motel between Winnipeg and Dryden was booked solid. It was the long weekend in August and I wasnt aware that Kenora is to Winnipeg as Muskoka is to Toronto. So I stopped at 1 am just outside of Dryden and at 6am, I drove to a truck stop in Dryden where I got breakfast and freshened up. As I left, I was just arranging a few items for the drive and I coasted down a little hill past a radar trap. The cops immediately pulled out behind me so I slowed down to below the speed limit. The cops followed me for TWO miles before they pulled me over. Then they gave me a ticket for coasting down the little hill at 6am when there were no other cars on the road and the weather was fine. They had followed me long enough to determine from my plates that I lived a two day drive away and would be unlikely to return to contest it. In other words, it was nothing more than a tax grab. I have returned out west several times since then, but I refuse to drive through Dryden or spend any of my money in their town because they already took my money from me, so I hope they enjoyed it, coz I wont be back! (For those of you who think cop is not pc, my Dad was a cop, my brothers a cop and my cousin was a cop, so I can say cop. Cops tend not to be offended by the term cop; however, they do object to the term Pig.). Another result of this ticket is that I will no longer let cops follow me, wondering when they will pull me over. Now, if a cop car is behind me, I pull into the first available driveway. If they want to charge me with something, they can do it right away.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 03:08:09 +0000

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