Why were we taught in Sunday school that people under the Tanach / - TopicsExpress


Why were we taught in Sunday school that people under the Tanach / Old Testament were saved by works, but we under the Renewed Covenant / New Testament are saved by grace? Does this agree with King Davids statement in Psalm 51, Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, and renew a right ruach / spirit within me? Or with Yirmeyahus / Jeremiahs request per Jeremiah 10:23, when he admitted that the way a man should walk is not in himself and asked for the Master Yahuwahs correction in measure rather than in anger, so as not to wipe us out? How could these people have been saved by works if they were faulty and sinful and thus disqualified from achieving Yahuwahs kavod / glory? No, but the Master Yahushua has always been giving unmerited favor / grace and has always been correcting us with less heat than we deserve. The best place that I have found to learn about the true consistency of the Word from Genesis to Revelation is found at yourarmstoisraelglobal. You too can find there the guidance that we need to understand and live by the Word of our Master Yahushua, who both created all that we see and beyond what we see, and who also works with our Abba / Father Yahuwah to redeem us from our Torah violations / sins and to escort us into everlasting life. HalleluYahuwah!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:13:29 +0000

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