Why you always want to be Right. I am always right. Yes - TopicsExpress


Why you always want to be Right. I am always right. Yes .......... irrespective of where I am , whatever I do , in any topic or any discussion .... I am always right. Do you also feel like this ..... when you enter a discussion with somebody. Well ...... if this is the scene with you also ... let me tell you .... you are not alone. Many of us ....... in any discussion whatsoever, try to defend our statements .... sometimes knowing that we are wrong. But then ego part plays its role .... NO we simply cant be wrong. If we have supported a point then it must be correct ........ let the argument begin. Apart from dealing the problem Psychologically we must know that it has its roots in our mind also. In any discussion in which we are seriously involved .... and feel that we are losing the game .... CORTISOL (a neurotransmitter and a hormone) , floods our brain cells. Whenever this situation takes place the chemical in our brain comes and closes the doors of trust and compassion. Hence, in such situations .... by default we move towards one of the four situations . Fight (let the argument move) , Flight ( agree to the group consensus) , Freeze (stop and come out of the argument), Appease ( simply agree with the person you are arguing with). However, the first one that is the Fight is the most common and dangerous of all. Certain neurochemical processes takes place in your brain when you win an argument. Hormones adrenaline and dopamine takes the charge and you feel good, victorious, and dominant. This feeling of winning over others is strong and so convincing that the next time also you fight again to feel this pleasure. Yes gradually you get addicted to it. The unfortunate and dangerous part is that ..... it will kill your relationships. You may feel that you have awarded yourself with the tag of the winner .... but the people around you, whom you have subdued .... will gradually move away from you .... if it continues like this. How to deal with the problem ............... Full article ........... commonproblemsandsolutions.blogspot.in/2013/07/why-you-always-want-to-be-right.html
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 08:11:47 +0000

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